An Evertech Tale Chapter 40

laguna tugged hard, realizing his pet's mind was wandering from the task at hand.

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A New Dawn - Malakye & Laguna (Malakye's Bedroom)

laguna practically squealed excitedly. "don't worry about it." i grinned. "a beds always better when you have company."

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 16

laguna was all business. "do a good job and i might consider the watch paid for."

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A New Dawn - Chapter 25 (Hard Lessons)

The three of them were talking, or more like roxis and tristen were interrogating laguna, more than likely about how laguna arrived late with me.

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 36

"you're who laguna sent? not exactly his best choice." joseph scoffed, he had no idea what laguna was thinking.

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 15

laguna watched the display with anticipation, he was ready to push the wolf into a different direction.

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 12

Aurich had personally requested it, laguna saw no reason why he shouldn't grant the skunk's request. laguna understood. a chef shouldn't touch another chef's knives, and as much as he hated to admit it, splicer was a new wolf now.

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 27

All pointing at his dripping cage, laguna could definitely work with this one. ...

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Another one

laguna yiff he tapped his foot waiting for her again, his light brown fur moved gently in the light breeze as he stood out the front of the house waiting.

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 19

Aurich entered laguna's office carrying two platters of food. laguna was watching splicer in his room eating his meal from the dog bowls on the floor. "so, was it worth it?"

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 6

laguna said with concern in his voice. "we're?" "evertech, me, both, who can say really? we're just doing what we have to do, and i have my part to play, and you yours."

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