Rising Power - Chapter 2, Opinions
"... And they say that there's more creatures out there like them! It's amazing! We need to take a side!" "Do we? We need to take sides with faggots and freaks? There's no way any creature can mount dragons. It's impossible. ... And you believe...
Gemini – Chapter 6: Clashing Opinions
Clover fell to the floor of his bed room as his body started to change back to its normal dimensions. "(Gasp) oh Celestia (Pant), wow. I can't believe I did that." He was in awe of the power he wielded. "What do you mean?" said the irritated voice...
This is not a furry story but i want an opinion
Not a furry story just want an opinion...please help my story anonnymus 04/26/2013 staring down at the gun in his hand so peaceful, so calm, it had been a very long time since he felt this calm almost happy.
About: Shyness
Should i express my sincere opinions ? should i be less insecure ? should i not be so offended and scared by criticism ? should i stop comparing myself to others ? should i stop trying to please everybody ? should i stop living for others' approval ?
Chapter 6: Two souls clash- Opposite Opinions (Part 2)
Chapter 6 Meville stalls for time for the ship to fully land in Tera Bell. She blocks and evades every one of Red Fox's moves and she then summons upon the true extent of her swords power. It turned onto demon sword with a cat-like eye on the...
Chapter 5: Two souls clash- Opposite Opinions (Part 1)
Chapter 5 Vixen is shown to her quaters. When they stop in the long wood hallway, they then enter a room and the plack on the door says: Julie Holskia (Commander) Vaccent 2nd bed Vixen then looking around the room saw a bunk bed....
Lasagna Thoughts v1 - Opinions About My Life And Its Direction
Lasagna thoughts #1 - opinions about my life and its directionsimply put, i feel like it's going nowhere in particular. there's just too much to think about and so little time to achieve it all.
An Angel Next Door v1.3 *WALK-THROUGH*
If their opinion of you is high enough, they will agree. - alternatively, talk to **fozz** and ask if they are a boy or a girl (note: if their opinion of you is not already high, this will decrease their opinion of you.)
Pokémon Twentieth Anniversary Retrospective (Updated)
(sighs) i really hope that a remake of the unova games will change my opinion of black and white. edit: as of this writing, i'm currently replaying white to see if my opinion's changed on the game.
I, Dacien -- Chapter Eighteen: Jurisprudence
I am afraid, justiciar còmhall, that i require your opinion now." "it's an extremely difficult point, lord teodor," còmhall said. "i cannot give an opinion as master of law. i beg your forgiveness, but i cannot."
*Poem* Species Dysphoria I
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Glazed and Stubborn (Otherwise Untitled)
The husky snorted, and opened his mouth to volunteer an elaboration of his opinion before the mule interrupted more forcefully.