United Through Two Worlds Chapter 26
If they declined, sting would most likely kill them, or the coronel would do so anyway, finding a way to take care of sting afterwards. tom glanced at michael, silent as he stared, waiting for him.
United Through Two Worlds Chapter 16
Tom flung his arm over sting's, grappling and using the leverage to swing his leg back into sting's face, the blow dropping him. tom let go of the grapple as soon as the man fell, sliding himself away as sting quickly regained his composure.
Kinktober Day 6: Spanking
Ruby nearly leapt from her lap as that intense sting assaulted her sensitive nethers, a few tears creasing the corners of her eyes as the stinging pain set in. "good girl."
Best of the WORST of TNA Wrestling
sting was mad that dixie had become the over-bearing jackass of a boss and how magnus had won the world title with the help of the dixie carter administration. sting was then forced into a title vs.
Get to Work
Every spanking send a shocking sting through his ass that then tingled afterwards, lingering long enough for the next spanking to land an renew the rippling sting of the spanking. and the sound, the hard smack!
Kayla: Ninne's Christmas
The prayer that the sting would end. "that's a hundred..", ki'rene felt like announcing, getting anxious to see this punishment's end.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Viridian Forest
Kakuna keep using poison sting!"
Coaxial (part 1)
"he was running at 100%, sting." now it was sting's turn to be slapped in the face. "what?! that's insane. how-" he cut off, shaking his head. "no, i don't care. it's not enough.
Watching for Giants
Biting like bee stings, all ten of the helicopters opened fire with side mounted gunners.
A Pony Sweeter than Honey
Everyday, she gets a few stings on her tush and she doesn't know why they do that. she thought that maybe it was her cutie mark and that bees would fly to it, see it isn't real, and sting her in confusion. that's just one of her theories.
Coaxial (part 2)
I'd always thought part of the reason sting incorporated insect parts into his current av design was an attempt to conquer the fear. seemed it hadn't worked very well. "promise me one thing," sting said, his composure sullen.
Rough Tongue
The flogger had broad, heavy tails, too wide to have much sting, especially through cloth and fur. it was going to thud, all impact and no sting unless she swung really hard. which wasn't her plan, really.