Change of Perspective Page 30
The turian general's eye ridge raises, "what kind of unusual readings?" the turian general eyes the soldier suspiciously as he looks down at his holographic map of the planet then back up at him.
Remedy 1
#1 of remedy when a young turian encounters a strange "cure" to the genophage, his life is about to change...
Midline Shift 18 - Assault on Susskind Station
The turian terrorist however was far more able, taunting fg with a beckoning hand as they went into a full fistfight.
Alter history
._ _the fate of several thousand pods of turians are in the fate of one geth...
Midline Shift 44 - The Bloodless Commander
The raptor turned back towards the turian commander, his cape flowing slightly to his right as a soft breeze soon came between them. at first he started walking, the turian sanerix doing the same as their pace began to pick up.
A Cure By Any Means Necessary Chapter 2: Turning the Turian
He thrust and thrust, rutting the turian bitch relentlessly before growling, pulling out roughly, throwing the turian to the ground. "present, now!" he snarled, his cock throbbing.
Family Tradition V: Turian Calibrations
"yeah, you are one funny turian."
Midline Shift 4 - The Sole Calibrators
The uglier turian over there is my brother norem. and this..."
Exotic Food
He knew that if he squeezed too harshly, he would have crushed even the tough body of a turian.
Remedy 2
Those muscles unclenched and released their death grip on the turian. turian, who took the opportunity to shift his position, to lean further forth... and using kror's thighs as handles during the pull-out.
Mass Effect: Chasing Ghosts Prologue
The halvmaen was a turian ship, made by turians _for_ turians. regardless that her systems required close observation and that the batarians were hired on to help, the halvmaen should have been manned completely by turians, in rithe's opinion.
Sufficiently Calibrated [COM]
They both instinctively grasped the head of the other man's dick and pulled it in close, turian tasting krogan meat and vice versa.