Chapter 2: Arrival in Arcadia, Apprenticeship, Learning a little About the Past.

Ash silently pondered the pensive look on his mother's face then blinked as a weedle fell onto the top of his hat and said "weedle." he shook it off and glanced at his new outfit.

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The Sun Races on

"how many of the weedle gowns have you sold?" "a few, sir, will this be all for you?" "i would like a number, otherwise i just may stop production on them." "sir, i cannot-" "walter, just tell our business partner the sell total.

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 4: Volcan and Ignus

During their walk, ignus stumbled upon a weedle that, in reaction, had lunged at him with its toxic barb.

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The Celadon Incident (Pokemon TF/TGs)

Josh got up to say a few words to those who came out, and noticed a small weedle in the corner of the room, his eyes widening. the only question was: "is it infected?"

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Professional Curiosity

And yet we hardly even get a puzzled look from a passing weedle... fascinating. "you're introspective, mr. shadow." i swear sometimes he's telekinetic. "i'm pretty sure by now the rumor is true.

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And we won't try to weedle them out, we promise._ gv: chuckles. "well, that's good. i'd hate to get into trouble now." _ari: don't worry, we here at [ari] know confidential means confidential.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 8- Lopunny

Just by staring at her she felt powerless- like she was a weedle, again, but with wings. "n-nonsense," she told him while gaining some composure, her wispy voice shaking. "o-o-our instincts can pull our wings, sometimes.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 13 - Unexpected Situations

She walked passed the trees that were surrounded by all kind of bugs...caterpies, weedles...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 1

He could hear the occasional pidgey and weedle every now and again, but it was calm. wow... your perspective in nature really changes when you're on a pokemon's point of view...

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Sinnoh Journeys Chapter 2: Panic at the Pokémon Center

I couldn't say the same for seviper, jolteon, a marill, a charizard, as well as an electabuzz, the marowak jolteon was playing with, and a weedle, and many of the other pokémon.

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Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Twenty-four

The kakuna, buzz, was her most recently captured, found as a weedle just after her little ordeal and evolved shortly following. resulting from a little fishing came her shellder, opal.

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Hornberry Surprise

This forest was home to many forest-dwelling inhabitants, from pidgey to ratatta and weedle. this forest also housed a home of a certain pokemon family, a relatively happy family.....why 'relatively' you ask?

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