It was a bag of adult diapers, which were opened. he knew it was adult diapers because the diapers inside the bag looked three times as big as cub diapers. immediately, oscar developed divergent views about dr. brown.
{Pokémon/Babyfur} Due For A New Diaper
Vullaby has always been known as "the diapered pokémon", though it seems she's due for a different kind of diaper in spite of her mother's initial reluctance.
Blue's Night Out
Blue cleaned her cloaca with a baby wipe and grabbed the soiled diaper and threw it in her diaper bin. she then pulled a fresh diaper out of the bag and slid it under herself as she layed on her back.
Literally The Worst Thing I've Ever Written
Angela put her paw on the outside of his diaper, which was now warm and stained in the front, "nine diapers worth of baby shit all over your dick!" she pressed the front his diaper against him, shifting the revolting mass around his diaper.
From Meetings to Naptime - Chapter 1 [Comm]
I poopoo... poopoo diaper! poopoo diaper! haha! big poopoo diaper..."
Diaper Dad's Day
Allen made jack study the selection of diapers that were available. there were diapers available that were geared toward customers that wanted to wear _underwear_, not diapers. then there were diapers that were branded as "adjustable unisex briefs."
Special Ed Vixen
Kokuei's Messy Diaper
The diaper poofed out and crinkled loudly as he squirmed with delight, wiggling his diapered butt at the mirror to examine himself... and the excited wolf began to wonder just how much such a thickly padded diaper could handle!
Team Urinal
He understood why chance liked wearing diapers so much. anyone could simply go in the diaper and the diaper could take it all - at least in theory anyway.
Diapered College Fox
Commissioned by dakotalyrac this story contains: adult baby themes (heavy) diapers (heavy) baby paraphernalia (medium) diaper lover themes (medium) diaper usage - mess (medium) diaper usage - wet (medium) embarrassment (medium) masturbation (medium) public
Left, the wolf.
diaper yure had put on him.
Tulip Gardens: Training Guide
The standard diaper our patient's standard diaper is the maxi protect iv. this diaper provides the best long term wear and capacity. all patients should wear the same model diaper when undergoing diaper use training.