Riolu Gym
Mainly because this gym supposedly catered to fighting types, and the two of them definitely weren't.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mossdeep City and Shoal Cave
Hariyama, as breifly mentioned with slaking had enough physical strength, but being a fighting type it wouldn't be wise to send him out against his weakness.
COM ~ The Mission (Pikachu Female)
The two fighting types scanned their fancy dormitory, which had a balcony, but found no hint of her recent presence. "i hoped she'd take this more seriously... alright, let's go find her," luke said with a sigh, stepping out.
The Best Little Pokémon Ranch in Kanto, Part 1
I would've thought the fighting-types had taught you better than that, but apparently you're a slow learner..."
Trainers Guide to Lucarios: Side Story 1: Apollo's Club
_hmmm, strong legs, nice thighs, as you would expect from a fighting type . slim body, bouncy ass._ at that coby felt some kind of phantasmal force smack him on his left cheek as he let out a surprised yelp.
Shing's story
"aren't you supposed to be resistant to fighting-type attacks? i guess you're not very durable, nonsense," he teased, then reached down and offered a hand.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Kanto Pokedex
Hitmonlee the kicking pokemon a fighting type. its legs can stretch to double their length. first-time foes are startled by hitmonlee's extensible reach."
Chapter Twelve
"come on young one let's get you a bath," the victini cooed as she led the fighting type into the bathroom. "well lupen what happened?" "i...
To Be The Best - Chapter 10: Training
"fusion, we're likely to meet more fighting types. you take the front, switch with anko if you see any rock types." "yeah," fusion stepped forward, walking into the hall past the conkeldurr.
Chapter 7: Love and Understanding
As a result i had perfected the powerful fighting-type move, **close combat** , along with several other abilities perfect for handling close-quarters combat.
The gutpunching home - Part 1
On the boxing ring itself, there's a 1.6-metre-tall dinosaurian dragon/fighting-type pokémon with grey scales on most of its body, and many large red-and-yellow scales on its sides, back, and tail that look very solid... and noisy.
Training Relief
It was an unusual attack, but lucario knew that, with it, no fighting-type would be able to defeat him again. but for now, his training would have to take a break. the rain was just too hard.