Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Hellstation & Superstation

of war monsters ([http://godofwar.wikia.com/wiki/category:monsters](http://godofwar.wikia.com/wiki/category:monsters)) hexen monsters ([http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/category:hexen\_monsters](http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/category:hexen_monsters)) president john

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Aaru - Chapter 4 (Garr)

The deity of war herself had taken the time to spar with me in between my bouts with garr, although just like with garr it felt like i was fighting for my life.

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Substar Preview: About Zanduchi

The tiger god of war, whose gift was strife among the people, and even other gods. she still sits among the court. more gods emerged in this time, both major and minor.

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Alexander Bio/Backround

From the god of war,he was given a sword,forged from the scales of ancient dragons,the blade called haurach vrelvel. from the goddess of tranquility he was given the gift of everlasting life.

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Chapter 15: The War on Heaven

"the glorious weapons had belonged to hildrith'el's great warrior daughter, xanta, goddess of war, who was struck down with her own weapons by mortals who had tricked her when she descended to aonre.

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Sheba’s Past

Said megis "she told me that she is like the evil goddess that had been thrown out of heaven by the god of war drako. she told me to call her sheba" "this means that she is evil then.

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Aaru - Chapter 8 (Relationships)

But the deity of war had a very different teaching method to her brother. but at the back of my mind i wondered, was her frustration at my lack of progress for my benefit, or callen's?

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Love and Pain Side Story: Waves of Change

"athena is the name of the goddess of war strategy but she doesn't like fighting and is known to be very kind and beautiful just like you." he said. "you wouldn't be saying that if you could see me." she said.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Vv - Zz)

Most wolven tribal villages closely follow the teachings of jan'zar, the guardian deity\* of war, and did not want their enemies to have in their possession the shrine of their most sacred of deities.


ToLaD: Chapter 7: Questions

First was osyn, the goddess of war and death. a tall vulture clad in a dark flowing robe. in her wings was a chain and sickle, her symbol and what she uses to take the lives of the a throw from the heavens.
