The End Pt1

At my arrival michael looked from me to the great dragon, getting a nod from him and continuing. "... without his divine guidance i fear the universe will falter. i was amazed it hadn't already."

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 13

#13 of love of the dragon lady anna ingram has grown up separated from society as the world is rebuilt after the great dragon war.

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The Cost of Knowledge

"mortal...", the great dragon's voice was deep, and booming, yet somehow not fierce as the lizard man had expected, "you have in your possession something that belongs to me."

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The Male Mates of Dragons I

Or did you forget sir regit's awful cries when he was burned alive by the great dragon's flame?" they both looked away at the cold, snowy ground.

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Among Dragons 1. An unexpected encounter

With her already high level of spiritual maturity for the great dragon is normal, as both me assure, her abilities only seem to be already very far developed.

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On Dealing With Dragons - A Cautionary Tale

There was a rush of air from further down the cavern as the great dragon swept forward, propelled by a push from his wings.

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Among Dragons 2 - First Steps

And you are at the side of the other great dragons the top species of this world. no one - except maybe one of us - will dare to contradict you." i sigh.

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 11

#11 of love of the dragon lady anna ingram has grown up separated from society as the world is rebuilt after the great dragon war.

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Prince Neo

Nine hundred years ago a dark god descended upon the lands and many of the great dragons died.


Smaug the Magnificent

> will anyone live to tell the tale > of the great dragon's might?> his eyes know every coin > and even the smallest of gems. > nothing goes unnoticed by the king > not even the smallest stolen trinket.> you will not stop him with swords or axes.

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The Curse of the Sacchariferous Queen: A Tale of Bubblegum and Greed

In times lost to ages and mist, there ruled a great dragoness queen of bubblegum aspect in this land. why, to this day, we give little children bubblegum on all hallows eve just in case she returns! and demands tribute!

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The knights of juno, prelude to war, Part Two

The great dragon mother embraced her fallen son, great tears washing some of the blood from the red scales of the dragon. while the dragons mourned their dead, mikael found that the knights had faired scarcely better.

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