Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 27+28
Thankfully, with the rampaging dragon, the half-elf was nothing more than a shadow to the group of knights, easy to pass between them.
Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 10. Talon
"talon," he said, turning to the half-elf and stepping around him, "you will not take this off, for any reason. you will not untie it. you will keep it under your clothes, and show it to nobody.
Surviving Summer Pt. 4
The half-elf's voice was slowly growing grating, some mix of sarcasm and over-enthusiasm to the point of hysteria twisting her words.
Zenir of the Dark
The half-elf drew a wicked kukri from his belt and lunged at zenir. the dark lord chuckled as he swept his arm sideways, sending the half-elf into the air.
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Third Entry
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Third Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** A - 11 B - 2 C - 1 D - 3 Additional Vote: Impregnation - 4 Additional Vote: Make the warlord female - 2 Additional Vote: Make Rufus meet...
Life on Eboris - Room Upgrade
The frisky half-elf ran her tongue over the squirming lizardfolk's chest.
Knowledge isn't Always Good
She points to a half elf near her, "that one is working on a similar ring if you want comparison." i nod a thank you and wander over tot he half elf who saw me coming and starts shaking as if afraid.
Jack: Rexi & Talon 18 -- 'Zackton Silvercane'
The half-hard length of flesh bobbing so attractively between the half-elf's legs was just one more piece of confirmation. but the half-elf was also, zack noted, terrified of him.
The Kobold and the Prince
Scurry trembled before the half elf noble, though not in fear as his hand remained resting so lightly against her face. "if there is... a-anything i can do. for your friends. but... f-for you in particular, my prince..."
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Eighth Entry
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Eighth Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** A - 11 B - 12 C - D - E - 4 Additional Votes/Desired Scenes: _Attitude adjustment for the girls_ _Rufus' parents wondering why he...
A trip to Iz'noth
"eh, i suggest after such a trek we should take a rest at the inn", the half-elf gestured to a large, black building that looked to be built from metal, the roof adorned with dozens of spikes, giving it a rather intimidating look.
A Study of Connections 16
The young half-elf managed to get herself to an upright position, sitting up on the bed, but the pendant prevented her from taking any further actions to see what was going on.