Under Moon and Sun
The village around it was small, populated by other thordani, winged creatures like himself with beaks and feathers, more bird than human, save for the fact that they could walk rather than just hop about.
Stress Relief
Sucking long and hard, the winged creature constantly waggled and curled his tongue around tk's pulsing cock, slurping the pre-cum as it leaked time and time again.
Sins of the Past (1/12)
When he looked to see what creature or monster had possibly captured him he saw the flash of silver scales as the winged creature continued to take him up.
Avatar Ch.3
The winged creatures had finally gotten close enough to attack. each one of them opened their large pincers. a thick twining stream of red smoke fired from their mouths in a vicious arc.
TSS- Green Fog
Winds above and below churned it like a massive sea overhead, and though the animen was too far below to feel it, she knew instinctively that it was treacherous flying for any winged creature.
Chapter 49 The Visitor
A great winged creature was swooping down from the sky, his narrow eyes glinting dangerously as he sliced along, directly for her. he was black, and his great black wings were like a shadow as he spread them wide.
Tatsuo's Adventure: White pt3
A Demonic Christmas...
Hatred looked at the figure of his brother and then the form of the black winged...creature...that was silhouetted in his brother's shadow.
Day 24 Vines
Vicious winged creatures, small enough to seize in a hand had been the main perpetrators, jagged toothed faces laughing as they had harassed him earlier, scaring him off grabbing his bag and sending him at a run from the path.
LAPD Lupine Corps notes
Reports include what might be some sort of wereweasel or weremongoose, a possible size changing werecat, and some blurry photos of a leathery-winged creature that purportedly saved a woman by swallowing a mugger whole before laboriously flapping away with
Wolfen - Chapter 27
Throwing the winged creature onto the ground, he raised his claws to strike at the its neck, but he saw that the face in front of him belonged to his brother gerrin. gerrin held his hands up, unthreateningly. "careful, brother. i'm not an enemy."
The Beastridden -Council of Fangs-
.~ the fearsome winged creature cawed. senryul flattened his ears back strongly as the shrieking words wrought chaos within his heart. it was a fleeting moment however; senryul fought back with moderate trouble.