X for X2

The ad had read like it was specifically made for Marc. It was one for a new kind of bath suds, made to make sure that the entire bath got extra bubbly and filled with nothing but. The totodile had ordered a whole box of them without even finishing...

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"Just try it out, pleeease? It won't hurt or do anything bad to you. In fact, it might help you out in the long run!" "But Glitch, I do-" "Come oooonnn," Glitch interrupted, getting a furrowed eyebrow from Tobias in response. The paunchy, taller...

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V for Vore

Zev was just hungry. It was gnawing at him like a beaver at a tree, and the hunger refused to go away no matter what the fox did. He had started the morning chewing on his braided hair in his sleep, having been awoken up to pull the strands from his...

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V for Vore

Zev was just hungry. It was gnawing at him like a beaver at a tree, and the hunger refused to go away no matter what the fox did. He had started the morning chewing on his braided hair in his sleep, having been awoken up to pull the strands from his...

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T for Taur

Lance grunted as he set his stomach down on the counter, the fleshy dome of excess expanding out lazily several inches along the cold granite. This sent a shiver down the red panda-dragon hybrid's spine, making his long-ringed tail twitch and his...

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Q for Quicksand

Marc was sinking. It was slow, deliberate almost, and yet he was sinking down into the goo steadily. The muddy sinkhole in which the small totodile was standing in was all but devouring him with a very sluggish pace, and yet Marc couldn't have been...

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R for Romance

Al bent down to reach into the oven, his bare rump protruding right out into the kitchen as his large, black wolven tail slowly swayed over the twin mounds of plush flab that was his rear. Devoid of any sort of clothing, the wolf was getting both his...

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H for Hyper

Spikes awoke with a snort, the covers tangled all around him and his limbs spread out wide. The wolfdragon opened one eye at a time, groaning slightly as the morning light hit his eyes and he began to adjust to being awake. Stretching out his limbs...

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Food Alert

"This is Food Alert, how may we help you?" The cheery, thickly-accented voice coming through the speaker across the room sounded as though an angel itself had entered the beached raccoon's life. All it had taken was lazily smearing a paw along the...

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Getting Sasuke inside the double-doors took effort, but Lobo accomplished with no aid whatsoever from the overflowing mountain of barely-mobile wolfdragon. Sasuke just pushed as much as he could with his overburdened legs, barely pulling with his arms...

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Basil groaned loudly to himself, his cheeks pushing into his vision and his limbs all spread akimbo as he balanced precariously on the vastly overblown sphere his stomach had become. He could practically feel every single square inch of the yards-wide...

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Death Row

Kole was nothing if not professional. He had been for years, and yet it was a jarring lack of professionalism that had gotten him caught. One mistake, just one little slip-up, and years of killing had come to an end. He was no serial killer, no crazed...

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