"The Thin Line," Part EE

\*\*\*\*\* I know in some regiments of the Imperial and Royal Army, Temple Parade is taken quite seriously, and you see long crocodiles of squaddies on Holy Day being led off to pray. There are long-standing rumours that Temple Parade is done...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part G

#8 of from whom all blessings flow (ww5 #2) in this episode, a dastardly plot against not only the mephitist church, but the mephitist empire itself, is revealed. and the fur on the spot to deal with it is cpl.

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part F

It was also, as that ancient text the marshal had translated, the site of a fumarole that was essential to the legitimacy of both church and crown.

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part E

\*\*\*\*\* (E/\* 7/19/2013) I'll be honest with you: I actually had good reasons and real reasons for "volunteering" with the Marshal for the duty. Certainly, I wanted to figure out who in the Netherhells had cold-cocked Brother Felix, and who...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part B

I'm strictly army, not anything civilian like the church would be. that's my brother's matter, as the sovereign lord of the church.

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The Lead Crown, Chapter 1-6: Thaddius

"the church itself would expect it, your highness." confirmed the labrador, "friar arlowe has been preaching heresy from a position within the clergy... such a thing is--" "inexcusable?" thaddius offered.

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Pray pt. 2

A few more minutes went by before raymond came happily bouncing out of the church to join us. "there you two are; you had me worried when i couldn't find you inside." raymond's dad chuckled at the comment.

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Tale of the Eastern Sex Dragon

I mean, this was a church, and here i was, naked and horny, about to pleasure myself. how erotic can you get? i laid down then, on a convenient stone table that just happened to be in the middle of that shadowed room.

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~Our Father who aRT IN HEAVEN!~ REVISED!!

But sadly this poor pup was dragged to church every sunday morning and night...the only good thing was meeting up with his friends there and generally mucking about after the meeting finished. there where 2 other furs that he got on well with.

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Tanner's footfalls echoed through the sanctuary as he ambled between rough hewn pews. Dust swirled around his full ruddy tail. He opened the portal and took in the musty scents of autumn. Barren trees waved in the breeze but no one was waiting. The...

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Fivefold Fang: the Importance of Prayer

The problem with killing gods, Raia thought through the haze of light and glory filling her head, was that they weren't very good at being dead. The goddess Atsura was a softly-rippling luminescent orb in Raia's mind, a scarf of sun and order folded...

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Jessie Raiye: First Day

Taking a deep breath, jessie walked into the church, smiling softly and greeting anyone who said hello to her. as she walked through the church before sitting in a pew, she couldn't help but smile.

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