Stories From Elton High | Chapter 17
"we should come here more often." sam finished his rice and opened the fortune cookie closest to him. "hmm... it's empty. what do you think that means?" "no clue." arden opened his own fortune cookie: 'you are a very happy man!'
If I told you my Secret…
If I told you my secret, would you listen? Just pay attention, Without causing tension, And be quiet and just listen. If I told you my secret, would you think of me different? Snicker and laugh when I am not near, Make me live my life...
Echo - Road 65 ( 1/2 )
They didn't come down here and she had to make sure they didn't. their planned stop was still far away and it bored karen.
Tail Underground: A contribution
If you'd come with me to your home or the nearest village then we could go about tracking him down. we'll split the money then maybe we'll see where the road leads from there." will shook his head. "no i don't want to..."
Pages: It's Just Another Day to Me
Just stay here, don't leave this house till i come back. you understand?" scrap nodded. "if mrs. jenner comes before me... well then you can hold it against me." he stood up and headed for the door.
"I think I am in love"
Than "come on lets get you to bed" i pull him close and give him a hug after he lets me go and says "thank you, man" the end ~nitro
Ridixin (Part 1)
Ridixin by pizzaplatinum ### means the point of view is changing. (Also, wolves usually speak their own language, so don't think the humans usually understand them.) I wake up from my slumber. Stretching, I realize that today is the big day....
Times have changed prologue part3
(my phone vibrates) (its a text from leo ) hi nik i heard sif is in the hospital i'm gonna come up there to see him. (i'll be here i texted back) leo is coming to visit. who, eric asked?
Behind Closed Doors
Aiden knew as soon as he saw the empty bed, the prince must be on the observation deck. Sighing, the greyhound padded down to the observation deck, pulling the robe tighter around his lithe frame. Aiden knew the prince was heading out to wild...
First Comes Battle, Then Comes Pleasure
Strike after strike, and clash after clash were coming from their weapons, as they continued to attack. it was unknown if they were trying to hit each other, or were simply just having fun.
New Feelings
I don't even think he knows i like him (wheew), but its not as if it matters, anyways, mostly 'cause i'm pretty sure he's straight...secondly because i know he's waaaaay outta my league....i mean, i come nowhere near him in talent when i sing, i mean, sure
My way, Part One, Chapter One - Breaking
Both of them put an arm around me and we fell into a comfortable silence as we waited for our food to come out.