Andra Shackled
Her face is that of extreme depravity, her tongue hanging out, her eyes hazy. "you see what happens to those who defy my dark queen," the voice continues. "they experience such strange tortures, devised by the lewdest of minds.
The Lord Giveth - Commission for terraswallows
"you're the prince of depravity, right?" she asked. her head was melting into her collar as more of her body started claiming his. "alight then, let's see how depraved we can really make you~" "_no!_" devi screamed. "_n-!
Paladins Make Fantastic Toys
But even if he wasn't, the sensation of his master's final depravity taking root on his body would make it clear.
Changes We Make
Changes We Make Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 24th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Nicole wiped the back of her forearm over her forehead, as she felt the stinging sweat that threatened to drip down into her eyes. For over four hours, her and...
Filial Bonds
A duty she fully enjoyed with a submissive shiver of sheer depravity.
The Fall of Duhey, Finale
Her wings, once folded back, started to shiver and flap in her uncontrollable pleasure, never having been so lucky as to feel the seed of a male running over her body in such a depraved way.
Rainbow and Fluttershy
The feeble memory of cadance's sweet aroma stood no chance before the monument of depraved filth that was faloreulia's horsecock.
A story continuing the depraved adventures of jewel the husky possessed by a space dragon thing. i hope people enjoy a little bit of depraved mind-melting, semi-hyper tf, and the like. story by me. characters belong to me.
Rennae's Tale
Rennae's Tale Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 25th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved Rennae's car skid on the gravel of the driveway, all four wheels locked and sent plumes of gravel and dust flying from the wheels as it threatened to tip, so sudden...
Training a Slave
He remembered their leader calling the ruler depraved and now he wondered just what he had known and what was seth about to learn.
Regaling a Rutting
She'd feel the weight of seed sloshing inside her, jostling, plenty forced up her throat and from her lips in viscous waves of depravity.
A Fulfilling Future
Without batting an eye the female watched, as if in a trance, the depravity of her womb. the thick tendrils parted the opening of her womanhood and the process began. varying sizes of tentacles held her down.