The Dream That Turned Real, Part 3

I then held a pair of black jeans, but they did not dissolve this time. i put them on, trying not to get my sheath caught in the zipper, and looked at myself in the mirror, again in shock as my jeans dissolved.

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Seekers Tale Part 37

Some are stopped and break apart into wisps of smoke and darkness that dissolve in the air. but for every one that is struck down two more force their way in.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 2: Chapter 19

No-heart reached down into dusk heart's dissolving body and grabbed hold of the thick shadows that leaked for his body. with little effort he tore the darkness from dusk heart's corpse which dissolved as the darkness was pulled free.

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Relee\'s Adventure on the Balloon Savannah

Through tinted pink vision relee watches her fur dissolve, leaving behind shiny pink rubberized skin. her tail fur melts together, forming a large single balloon in the shape of a squirrel tail.

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Everything around suzie seemed to freeze in place as her tear filled eyes went wide with painful realization that lopmon had died as the remains of her data dissolved leaving nothing in her arms. â€noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

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Random Raptor Vore

Soon, the acids burned through to ahastar's heart and dissolved it, leaving no blood flowing through the raptor's body. that was finally enough to bring his life to an end.

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Bugs in the Nanite Programming

Yet, to her disgust, no sooner than she felt the nanites move through her system than she felt two pairs of appendages burst from her mouth, lips dissolving and preventing her from screaming.

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My Bittersweet End

Then my paws floated in front of my eyes, and i saw my fur begin to dissolve as the ch'arth'a's juices began to eat way at my now exposed flesh. as i watched my flesh roil and dissolve, i wondered why i wasn't feeling any pain.

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Norbert (M/M sea lion/human smut and vore)

Everything paul brought with him was in the sea lion's stomach with him and his leather wallet had already dissolved.

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Fire and Water: Love is Forever

I dissolved into the cracks of the ground where the guarding stomped on me. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" switching to tanerro... i watched as rengi dissolved into the floor and i could feel tears of lava well up in my eyes.

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LARP Theme Park-Position Transfer

She could feel the squelching of all of her bones dissolving, her epidermis hardening into chiton to hold her organs in place. nothing remained of her nasal opening.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars C4

Mira tried to grab at the rapidly dissolving image of soul heart, as her torso fell apart, the dissolved particles flowing into miracle heart. "you don't deserve to fade away like this!"

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