The Adventures of Rex the Husky - Slowly Forsaken

#9 of adventures of rex the adventures of rex the husky - slowly forsaken regret is a powerful emotion. despite the fact that the positives greatly outweigh the negatives, regret will make any one person's resolve weaken.

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Shin and Light - Chapter Two - Forsaken

Authors note: This was very much a rush job - also, excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes please, if I proof read what I write then I would keep editing it until 2020... Shin and Light - Chapter Two Kris: Turn loose the heaven within. ...

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A Conversation

While at first startling, it is nothing the two occupying this forsaken place had not heard before; in fact, more shock came in the fact that another had managed to survive as long as them.

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In the Presence of a God

You willfuly consorted with two members of clan tigris when you were serving in astia, one of whom has forsaken my name.


Road Not Taken II

From a man, life forsaken. to take the road! the dream of travel! of untaken ways and hidden paths and hidden glades where a secret lays. a flashing hawk, a gliding bird, a meal is won. a sprawling wolf, a crouching fox, serene in the sun.

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Words on a paper 2

Has the high power forsaken us? are we simply an experiment gone wrong? no matter what your choice is, you can't change what is meant to be.


My everything

If not for you i would be forsaken. my love for you knows no limits. i love you with all my wits. may we never be apart you love is hypnotizing i will love you forever with love unceasing

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The Return to Moscow pt. 1

This was truly and honestly a forlorn and forsaken city, under constant assault from the arctic wind.

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Roy Boy

Soon enough, time forsaken, not enough. leveled to shoulders, his trigger pulled. lost in this fog; now, forever. "love, redemption, oh my aching heart." lost to wind, found in dirt. a mighty throne, caked with soot.

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The Four Horsemen (poem)

Oh, the forsaken sound. first come riding a horse of white conquer, its unholy knight, an ebony bow drawn blacken arrow sapping the spirit, humanity's marrow.

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Poem #18: Death

Fog so thick the air is frigid finger's lethal prick earth is frozen fallen await death has chosen tenuous fate empty time and space the body is raw see its lost face let the ice thaw the end on cue its visibly cold breath forsaken


Tiny Candles

You should suffer burns, do not be dismayed, search until your flame extinguishes, search for a bright candle that will burn for you, there may yet be a candle waiting, the scorned may yet find admiration, the injured may yet find healing, and the forsaken

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