Words and little girl

And please no hater :) thank you. words hit me. every time i am the punching bag for words, my sacrifices do not matter only words, my love is forgotten, my sacrifice is forgotten, everyone.


The Reaches of a Dream: Epilogue

Surely, the words of my marriage with meeya fueled the news for many a moon, and i got many calls from furry fans and haters alike, all over the world, but i couldn't and wouldn't start to mass-produce anthros for everyone.

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Rising darkness -teaser-

At last, have fun while reading and haters gonna hate. it was midnight. the full moon and the stars shone coldly in a cloudless sky. a gentle breeze swept over the country. but suddenly the glow of the moon and stars wavered a little.

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Snows story Chapter one

Left in the world snow the fox chapter one for all that reads my story it is about my life and what i have to put up with on a daily basis but before i start i must tell you a few things about myself i am 18 ,homosexual, and arctic fox, also a big hater

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Space Dorks; Starring Doolie Saito

He was human, but one of the only ones i could stand on this hellhole some call a space worthy ship, he also was one of the only crew, aside from the caption, who wasn't a fur-hater.

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Caged Balloons - chapter 2

We can fight the haters. we can switch schools. but please dont do this! this isnt the best option for you! [ms. chey] its not to late to sit and talk, helix. [me] no. you are a fucking liar.

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Same Size Killer, Hatred

#2 of same size killer edgy and gory same size killer, macro-hater: the same size killer was chugging a bottle of booze in his shed. he had just snorted some cocaine too. he put his bottle down once he was done. he was cleaning his machete.


Adira Clawhauser Chapter 11

Looks like gazelle just released the outtakes of her new mv and \ engaged in a fierce battle with a dedicated hater on the post. he cracked a rare smile after seeing a message from \.

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A Furry Love Story - Look In the Mirror

"it doesn't matter what the haters say or think or do. don't let them get to you like they want. just be yourself. things will change.

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Chapter 1

He never beat up those haters, neither the fuck-up furs that spread rumours about him. neil's train of thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his bedroom door.

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No haters, it seems. i glance over every fur at the table. some are still turned away and some have their hoods up, so i cannot identify all of them, but most are turned at attention.

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Chapter 1: The introduction

So even though on the inside he hater her guts, he hated his families guts, and everyone at schools guts, he was nice and polite, several times he tried to giver her the hint that he didn't like her at all by trying to ignore her, but every time he cracked

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