The test of hunting
She'll not taint her ritual knife on them, leaving their exposed maleness to whatever scavenger might pass around.
All Hallow's Eve: Predators
He set the knife on the table and grabbed the bear's watch. he set it to go off five minutes later and closed his eyes. he listened in the dark as the bear continued to pray.
Chapter Three: Dark as night, Twice the blight
Well, not really..but he had a knife. i think he was the man from earlier. he left this." aimee tried to explain while pointing behind her on the stair. "i guess we're not in kansas anymore..."
Assassination at Age of Transition
He thoughtfully hummed before picking up a throwing knife and balancing it on a finger before he took out a knife from his belt and compared the two before putting it away.
Bumpy Ride
She quickly hid the knife, before focusing again on her trophies, surprised at how easy that was considering the impressive reward.
Serpentine Surprise
He lunged at me with that knife, plunging it inside your chest. but blood didn't come out. instead, it was a demonic essence. i yawned and grabbed him by the throat, spinning him around and slamming him up against the wall.
End (Gore)
The knife nips at the bits of sinew and muscles protecting her soft innards, the woman twists it slowly. she heaves, shuddering and writhing before she digs the knife in deep. the weapon splits into her intestines and she pulls it out.
Donald Trump was in my dream
Trump, so i took my gaff and started beating it down through my head, when that failed, i reached into my tackle box and grabbed my fillet knife and continued to cut my wrist, ankles, throat and stabbing my head, again, failing to kill myself.
How Jeremiah lost his ear.
Jeremiah watched in shock and horror as the wolf brought the knife down in an arching swipe, the blade glinting even in the dim lighting of the bar.
The Dark City: A New Encounter
It's much bigger than your knife, but the handle has been broken. you take some electrical tape from your bag, wrap it around the hilt, then you slide it in through your belt.
Terror Fox. Chapter 2
Maza had then walked over and pulled his knife out of the tigers head at the same time he had watched the struggling hyena trying to get the fox body off himself. breathing heavy then next part had come natural to him.
The Deliverance Pt. 2
\*Last Chapter\* After hearing Koji's plan, both Akeela and Anpu were convinced it would work. It was simple enough, but Anpu didn't approve of the way the plan put Akeela in more danger. "Why can't I be the one to go for Keket?" Anpu asked, looking...