Much Ado About Bluebottles

"don't get into a molt over it!" the friends had worked all year together, trading babysitting and odd jobs for cast-off feathers.

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ET5: Milyi's Decision

Not enough days had passed since his molt to strengthen his shell, but that made his flight all the more vital. they wouldn't even need the smasher today.

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YCHtober Day 16: War

He looked down and saw a bestial flare at the tip of his molted horse cock. "f-fuck." he said quietly. he could feel his body shift and change with more feminine curves. he wasn't sure what he was becoming, but the pleasure built up and up in his body.

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The Xenomorph Saga Chapter 1: Lost and Found

The drone appears to have no aggressive tendencies or any drive to form a hive by molting into a queen. for lack of an alternative and wishing to honor the dying wish of prof.

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Kari ed il suo Pokemon (ITALIAN)

Lesse di molte tecniche proibite di allenamento finchè non trovò quel che cercava: un rituale che avrebbe permesso al suo pokemon di evolversi molto velocemente.

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[SCRAP] Tangling With A Twisted Angel

I have found... some truth here." as she says this, a number of feathers begin to fall from her wings, as if she were a bird, molting. "i am not so sure i can maintain this guise, as an angel, for much longer." ["guise?"] "guise?" you ask, puzzled.

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Daddy's Little Girl: Chapter One

A wide back of molting brown fur was exposed like a rising island to the chilly air. her longish tail waved and dripped over her thighs, its base holding up her mostly invisible bottom whose long cords were buried in the crease under her love handles.

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Somewhere in the White Void (Patreon story)

The other displays had either been ransacked years ago or molted from age, but this one hadn't. i stepped closer to feel curiosity get the better of me, so i took my mask off.

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Anthrobird considerations

molting is itchy and a mess and just generally unpleasant, but since feathers don't naturally heal, that's the only way damage is repaired is by growing new ones.

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Zazu groans, humping faster and more paranoid than earlier, sweating and molting small amounts of loose feathers, "i'm... i'm gonna..."

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A Mesmo's Prey (Pt 2)

That smug sense of victory and superiority looming over the molted pelt of the master, even though he was burned and bloodied, he did not let that affect the sense of control he was oozing into every letter he uttered.

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Life in Yiggow

Wingcock leaves she begins to molt berkeley stares after her, "don't worry mrs. wingcock, i'll forgive you and the others. it was an honest mistake." mrs. wincock turns around and has a pathetic smile on her face, "thanks berkeley." mrs.

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