Reminiscence of the good times.
plague said, panting a bit. "tired already?" the crocodile grinned, though catching his breath too. the recipient of his question pushed himself upright with a groan, and then turned plague around to force him down on the couch.
Blasting Zone 4 - Volatile Vitriol
**_"n-noooo, noooo my ripper, my plague bomber you, you, youuuhuhuhuuuu!"_** **_"use the missiles dimwit!"_** panicked plague knight.
The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 15: Revelation
Suddenly a wave of light blasted through the room and the plague screamed and vanished.
Epidemic 2
**Epidemic 2** -The Cure- Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Matt123 _'Six months... Six months since the world came crashing down. It's funny in a sad way, all the times society thought about the end of the world. The shows, the video...
Epidemic 1
**Epidemic** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Matt123 In many ways, pharmaceutical companies controlled the flow of life in the world. They redefined life itself, both in fixing problems and in prolonging life spans. They had panels in the...
The Oracle Part 3 Slave Or Son?
It was about the same size as mine had been at that age, in fact it looked almost identical to how mine had looked before the plague had robbed me of most of my barbs.
John Dragoon Al's memorial
Nothing the upa could do could stop the plague, only one weapon was useful against it, and that was john al. every battle he was in against the plague he won, his mx600, once again second largest in the universe, destroyed so many of the plague.
Dance of the Blood Moon: Ferris Argensis
As we spread the news of the plague throughout durko we received plenty of disagreement. almost everyone rebuked our call to salvation from the plague.
Quarantine Zone ch. 1
Of what, the plague? you do realize there haven't been any reported cases outside of africa, right?" i looked him straight in the eyes. "yes, the plague. we got a memo down at the station warning about a possible terrorist attack."
Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 3
It's just like the fossilisation plague here.
The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 27: Unwelcomed Guests
A few more plague leapt from the cliff's edge and a few were about to latch onto cynder, but assault rifle fire blew them off the edge. spyro slumped over, the plague releasing him.
The plague stricken couple cried out in agony as the feverish mist enveloped them.