The question slowly filled the air, but was dead in an instant with a simple reply of "huh?" "um...forget it." to revive the question and try to ellicit a thought out response was too much trouble.
Without Love..
#1 of questions first of many questions i'm going to ask you, dear readers.. questions from the bottom of my heart.
Noble Gesture: A "Questionable Content" Side-Story
Like in most episodes, this had to be an early round worth of questions.
The Society, CH 9
"yes, that's when we started, once we found out you were asking questions about martin." "is that why i felt like someone was watching me?"
Questionable hospitality
Touching the vendor a little after she'd asked her question. as far as she could tell. using it had something to do with touching it. the fox sighed as memew began to randomly touch things.
A Question of Intimacy
The tiger questioned. "are you...?" "may i..."
Passion in Question
So new to passion that when it was questioned i knew no compassion even when it was mentioned. i stood by idly as they ravaged freely that which i held dearly was nearly dead to me.
Questions of Leadership
To my questioning look, she just said, "the witch is here." i stared at her in confusion for a second before it clicked. i whirled on my feet and saw catherine's car pulling up alongside the court and slowing down.
Unanswered Questions
I tilted my head in question. "what?"
Questionable Content
"questionable content" was a reality-cum-game show. participants were asked a series of questions of varying difficulty, though generally they got easier the longer a contestant lasted.
The Big Question
#9 of ester series the big question by terramgp ((ruth and june are all my original creations and copyrighted to me. please do not use them or redistribute this story without consent.
A question of breeding.
A question of breeding. the poodle hybrid drove up the driveway of the large house, he was used to servicing wealthy clients but even this was richer than he was used to. he was a stud dog, really similar to a feral stud dog.