Randall's Diaper Punishment 12: The Theme Park

"a-alright," randall replied, his tail wagging as the caribou playfully teased him. nathan left and got randall a bottle full of warmed milk.

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Some People Just Want to Go Feral (CLEAN)

randal wasn't sure what it was. bugsy was strolling through the living room and saw randal's confusion. he hopped over the couch and plopped down beside randal. bugsy looked nervous, "uh, whatcha watching?" the sting of annoyance clapped inside randal.

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When Pets Become Owners, and Humans Become Pets- clean

Bugsy came out from behind geffa, "uh, hi randal! let me introduce you to my master geffa." geffa looked at randal with a half-glare, "pleased to meet you, randal. now into the den." randal scowled and gestured at the spilt yogurt on the floor, "but!"

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A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 1: Would It be That Bad if I Got a Little Tubby?

Georgio knew that was a button for randall...but sometimes he couldn't resist seeing randall react like such a...well, like a puppy.

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 14: The Child in the Wolf

You've never traveled before, randall...what's the furthest you've been?" randall thought a moment.

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 12: Of Play, Of Punishment, Of Proclamation

"come on, randall, it's okay, you heard them, you have permission, as do i," kana told randall, seeing that he hadn't moved from his position on the floor. randall hopped up on the seat, after he was sure it was okay.

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A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 2: When Are You Coming Home?

"last call for affection until this afternoon, randall..." he warned, surprised to feel just as reluctant to leave randall alone as he suspected randall felt about the matter himself.

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A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 7: Don't Rage Over Spilled Milk

We need to go shopping tomorrow, i think - plus randall could really use the socialization." the stallion nodded, then went into the bathroom with randall in tow. "alright, randall, let's scrub this sucker hard."

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