path to glory: prolouge

Unlike so many other souls that would succumb to the depressions of a dreary day, this soul stood resilient, he did not succumb to the seas of anxiety and manic depression!

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He stood resilient, not answering more than he had to. the wolf could tell that she was getting frustrated. the tone of her voice sounded stern and unfaltering. "why does your clan keep attacking us?! we have nothing of value here.

Metal encased soul. (The world as they know it.)

\*races\* naga: serphentine in appearance they dont look well suited for the cold but are suprizeingly resilient to it. they are warm blooded. they are known to be very trusting and open to trade.

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An Alternate History For Placodonts

Placodonts were some of the most resilient groups of triassic marine reptiles, consistently surviving minor extinction events with minimal diversity loss until the mass extinction. in one timeline, this did not happen.

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Teaser for possible First Story.

Some military groups had invented focused, operating, repulsive, compression, emitters, or "force fields" and from that defenses came and a few ideas later weapons were created using the same tech to make resilient bullets with an explosive impact.

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The Lion King Spanking Saga Redux

He wanted to test the son of the mighty mufasa's resilience, the king was a good analyzer, he could tell while his nephew hid any auditory noises, his slight movement told a new tale.

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14 Ways to Cope With It All

**be resilient.** it's easier to deal with life if you can adapt to a variety of situations. 2. **be open minded.** it's easier to be critical of a situation or a person, especially if those around you are doing so.

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 19:

Ncfs have quite a few potential uses which may not be immediately obvious: insulation and padding dormant cfs form a resilient, insulating fluff and can provide moderate protection against physical impacts.


A Little Piece Of Tail -OR- The Story Of A Familiar

It was warm and slightly resilient, as was the platform itself. he tried to get his feet under himself to get some control over the way his field of vision was spinning.

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The Things That Bound Her

It was a deep shade of green, a bit transparent and had the resiliency of nothing she ever known before. though it was smooth and cool and felt good, in contrast to her heat soaked body. if she was scared before, she was really scared now.

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"you're a resilient sinner that's for sure." mistress scoffed, putting the crop down again. "but i've got the cure for resilience like yours..." as she said this, she stepped back behind him... and drew her knife again.

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Guardian Without Direction Chapter 2: My strange damsel in distress

Some of them being too resilient as to let their beloved homes, filled with memories,rot into nothingness. others, like me, where forced to stay.

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