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"revolutions had its moments!
Revolution | Chapter IX: Moment of Peace
I'm meeting with the leaders of the french revolution and the english revolution today and i need to look my best." he placed a hand on his chest and smiled. "so...what was the joke?" i froze. "uh...what?"
Revolution| Chapter XVII: Center Stage
I didn't even know that he had a brother, let alone a family who ran the revolution like a well-oiled machine.
The Fight For Freedom, The Fight For Love: Prologue
It is said that connor's and jax's parents were killed in a revolution; that would be the russian revolution. for some of you who don't know know much about the russian revolution in 1917, here's a brief background information.
Shinai & Rajiv
He wants to lead his people into a revolution against their oppressors, to convince the rest of the world to take a stand against their oppressors no matter how 'inconvenient' it is for them to do so, to convince his people to take back their independence
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Love Games
Starting a revolution! (revolution!) following the road, to be a pokemon master! this big, exciting adventure is about to start, let's just pick a rhythm and go go go!!
Rooftops: Red Sky
**Rooftops: Red...
Leviathan 12: Speak Your Word
"their in-fighting happens the same way our revolution does, a lot of small domino events leading to one singular cataclysm." "right then," babs says.
Same Size Killer, City Rampage Sniper
He also got a micro nuclear revolution flag. he was now going to go to a mountain. he walked out of his shack, and went over to an area far behind his shed over to a large mountain for him to stand on, where the rampage was taking place.
Diamond Dog Sex Revolution - Beginnings
If you have a problem with this, i literally called the story "diamond dog sex revolution" why did you even click this?
Revolution | Chapter XV: Brothers in Arms
Well, of course they already caused a scene, so more of the inmates around us helped thicken the circle to the point where they sounded like one of those revolution-rip-off riots.
Disposing of Sharps
"you would be doc revolution, am i right?" "doctor miles revolution," the coyote said, turning, and his ears flicked as he lost the stiffness in his tone. "hey! you're cold-blooded katanoku!" the lizard inclined his head.