Silverfox 12

Fischer put the snatch on shadowfox and got silverfox instead. fine. but why grab shadowfox? because they knew shadowfox was icon too?

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Silverfox 04

shadowfox asked, surprised. "because she's got some sort of spiritual healing scam going on at womynfyre," silverfox said, patiently. shadowfox hesitated and nodded.

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Technofox 03

They were in atlanta on shadowfox's say-so, and technofox was reluctant to say that shadowfox had blown it. "well," shadowfox reflected, "i didn't actually see him. do you think he's on a job in houston?" technofox leaned forward. "maybe."

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Silverfox 09

shadowfox came in, and glanced at tawny, suppressing any surprise she felt. "so," tawny asked, "is that shadowfox's motorcycle in space 216? the honda cruiser?" "...yes," firefox said cautiously.

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Technofox 09

The more technofox thought about going to see shadowfox perform, the more she liked the idea. she had never seen shadowfox dance, and she had always been a little curious. would shadowfox mind? she didn't think so. "...yes," she said finally.


Technofox 05

"then why is it okay for shadowfox?" "it's okay for shadowfox because it's okay with shadowfox." "isn't that convenient?" "it's the entire point," firefox said. "but what if she can't not consent?" firefox looked at her.

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Firefox Chapter 10

shadowfox's implant was working and she could tell them what was in the message. once they knew what the message said, they could move forward another step.

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Forest Furlough Day 2

Forest Furlough Day 2 by ShadowFox_97_ _Dawn_ Victor opened his eyes groggily into the light shining through his windows and turned away to keep from being blinded. He felt as though...

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Technofox 2

"shadowfox was able to get a gig?" "vlad korolev likes a strip joint called geronimo atlanta," technofox said. "shadowfox will be there starting tomorrow night. they'll be staying in a super 8 about a kilometer north of that."

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Firefox Chapter 06

She didn't want to know how much money blue diamond made every time shadowfox took a man into her mouth. shadowfox would see none of that, she might get a quarter.

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Sons of winter chapter 6: The Veiled Path

The female shadowfox who took his life claimed koanyr as well, wrapping him into an amethyst bubble that hovered beside her smug, satisfied face. "you're not going to tame that one," the bear said. the shadowfox grinned at the challenge.

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A simple plan


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