The Så Ymse Special Guest
A waiter wearing only a black tie and holding a circular silver tray full of tall crystal glasses filled with light golden sparkling wine is walking around. He spots a couple just arriving at the main hall. He politely pauses his stride near them, and...
Spring '09 Vore Project: The End of Slavery
Hold her as the naga squirmed and gets settled to watch her prize pet be suffocated in her strangling grasp.
A toontown party trick
Whoever it was should have suffocated by now but the wriggling was as active as ever. "i don't know," tim said. "it still seems weird." "eh, it's an acquired taste," growled baloo.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 10
Sarah felt like she was being suffocated, suffocated by the hordes of bodies bumping into her, suffocated by the shouts and screams, suffocated by the flashing torches and lanterns and the sweeping shadows, and worst of all, suffocated by the seconds ticking
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 9
Sarah felt like she was being suffocated, suffocated by the hordes of bodies bumping into her, suffocated by the shouts and screams, suffocated by the flashing torches and lanterns and the sweeping shadows, and worst of all, suffocated by the seconds ticking
And then i come downstairs to find you two wrapping your coils around each other like you're trying to suffocate each other! if you two have some kind of explanation for this, i'd like to hear it now!
A dead guest
She knew that it would hurt eventualy, though, but she hoped to have suffocated by then.
Homework Cuddles
Hess" leo said, half suffocated, before tj's mom nearly suffocated both of them again. "tj and syd are upstairs" she said. "right" chase said, half-tempted to make a "alone?" joke before realising who he'd be making such a joke to.
Misha's Non-Canon End
_ **WARNING: Involves involuntary, accidental snuff. Read at your own risk!** _ _I had a few ideas for some extra shorts about Misha, this is just one of them. Don't worry, this is purely non-canon. He still lives a long and happy life as...
To protect life - introduction
I have a job to do: suffocate the fire. "we are in" i say out loud as i let the hose do its job, just aiming the stream of pressurized water to the flames. usually suffocate a fire means to private it from oxygen; oxygen feeds the flames...
End of Time
I'd freeze to ensure your warmth, drown to make you swim and suffocate so you might breathe. i'd lie to make you honest, cry for your smile and bleed so you might heal.
Fury of the Wind
He'll eventually tire out and, if he doesn't suffocate, i'll let him go." "you mean you don't know if he'll suffocate?" i asked, shocked at his blatant disregard for julio's health.