[WIP] 2047 A.D.Heavens Fall [EN-001] Remastered
"akira, your mission is to eliminate an arms transporter together with the crew. we need no witnesses. there is food stored in the transporter. do not let this irritate you." "how do i stop the transporter?" "here's an rpg-7.
[WIP]2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-005]
Was here the transporter?" akira froze. "where's the transporter? here are no tracks," he thought to himself. he walked at gunpoint and looked at the street. "here it was, there are still cracks in the road," thought akira.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-001]
"akira, your mission is to eliminate an arms transporter together with the crew. we need no witnesses. in the transporter some foods are stored. do not let them irritate you." "how do i stop the transporter?"
the furry of honor
The captain of the transport announced that we were just 15 feet away from the beach , this made me uncomfortable and everyone around us , almost all of us inside the transport were volunteers to become soldiers , but our revelations appear to be too late
Merged Worlds 6
A hold of h-25 transport. katie looked at the thousands of humans in the hold. her race has transporter technology and this type of craft has a type transporter that can transport thousands of beings at one time.
Creative Writing Story: Intro
At the main base they could only transport on team at a time and each satellite base could only transport 6 at one time, after nearly 10 minutes, it was time for the final transport.
2626 CH 12 (An Orr World Story)
S transporter had made some leeway into figuring out mirror?s location. the transport deposited him a few blocks from the lumbard building, a giant tower that looked like it touched the dome from where theo stood.
Change of Perspective Page 31
We are assigned to the same transport ship.
Red Shirts
They took their places on the transporter pad. lieutenant mitchell took a deep breath and exhaled in antici-- "energize," said captain kirk. the transporter beam shimmered and whirled and howled.
2020 A.D. Teil 3 *Unfertig*
Sie fanden den transporter auf einem schrottberg, der transporter war vollkommen leer. die elektronik, die waffen, die ladung, selbst die toten lupains waren weg, nur noch blutflecken und fellreste erinnerten an sie.
2020 A.D. Part 3 [unfinished]
They found the transporter on top of an scrap mountain, the transporter was completely empty. the electronics, the weapons, the cargo, even the dead lupains were gone, only blood stains and remainders of fur were left.
Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Finale
_ the transport suddenly shuddered. a massive _dent_ in the hull appeared right beside jacob's head. heart suddenly pounding in his chest, he poked his head out of the door... a large rock was embedded deep into the transport.