Dog Show Champion

Mishka didn't have anything to say about xerxes' statement. she wasn't sure how she was going to fit them both at once, until seth found another hole.

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Rexville 45: Birthday Part 2

Hunter's circle of friends; milagros, sergio, broderick, sol, xerxes, xavier, natasha, and topher who sol invited him along. keanu's cousins, jack, and crystal.

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Rexville 28: Lessons & Warnings

xerxes raised an eyebrow, very confused. "what?" "nothing, just thinking." terrence went back to focusing on the computer. ...

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A Different Kind of Training - Part 17

I was just about to demand the answer when he withdrew that oddly long tongue and volunteered it, "xerxes." it was a start. "alright, xerxes," i said, "tell me why you've been following me." "wouldn't you like to know," he retorted.

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One Last Lead [Commission]

xerxes had came to his dingy little smoke-box of an office with a potent cocktail of anger, desperation and shame.

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Oreo, Oreo, Were-fore Art Thou Oreo (Save the Day Fanfic)

I...i destroyed the device the hunter control the beasts, and they...they ate him before i-- he didn't tell xerxes before he-- oh, oreo, it was _horrible_..."

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The Silver Renomon Series Chapter 9: Discovery of a Secret and Surprises

Said xerxes with a laugh as the light became so bright from the d-arc that it was blinding anton. anton tried to pull away from xerxes grip in desperation but xerxes just held on tighter as the throne room was washed in bright light from the d-arc.

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A Spartan's Tale

My eyes also spy the orange and gold colored tunics of xerxes' mede archers. i suspect these dogs are what will finish us off.

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Rexville 20: Halloween Night Part 1

xerxes' voice boomed in the presence. "hey, xers, are you gonna put my..." sol trailed off as he gazed at xerxes' fireman costume. it was a generic one, the pink dragon looked bulkier than he really was with the large beige coat and trousers.

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Rexville 14: The Challenge and Closure

"you heard me, this weekend, me and xerxes--" "pass," xerxes interruptedly and disinterestedly said after dreading his shouts and rage quits while online. the game tended to play in teams with two people each.

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Rexville 11: Roaring Rexes VS West Coasters

On the bleachers, keanu, hunter, milagros, sergio, natasha, and xerxes sat near the front row seats.

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