Living Tails

The fire now showed images and scenes of empty and body filled battlefields and towns, blood and gore everywhere, saphronian and human alike- the death toll was devastating....and this went on for several decades.

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Enter the Nightmare

The feuding of the crusade and scarlet had had a large death toll, one he didn't want to bring back upon the shattered mind of his lover.

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Dewey Zero-One 04: Searching

Though it's a relief, it is also a mystery as to why the death toll from these attacks remains at zero. danford officials are just as baffled about these attacks and are currently questioning anyone they can to get to the bottom of what's going on.

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Dewey Zero-One 03: Lost

There were helicopters, bombs, bullets, damage, and other insanity, but thankfully a death toll of zero. dewey sighed softly, hoping that his new friend (for that was what he now thought of his double as) was somewhere safe.

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Arwing Archives

toll could be catastrophic.

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Shadow Stalkers Cross over pt4

The death toll was outrageous, unwarranted and for what? so that one, insignificant group of people could strip-mine an already inhabited world. ''remind you of something?''

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Jaguar Feathers Initial Concept (Recycled)

By the end of the italian civil war, the italian population had reached 5.5 million thanks to the discoveries and newly (re)invented technologies, and the death toll of each faction was high, but bearable in the long run.

Mind Over Misery

The final death toll was nearly five thousand, including some poor wolf that was crushed against the entrance of a parking structure.

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Paws of Fire: Tiger in Town - Chapter 2

These misinterpretations have fed the war between good and evil and raised the death tolls to unimaginable numbers. heard what nick said that day in speech class.

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Dimentional Trap Part 1 & 2

With the furs trapped as they were, her death toll was maximized. her paws crushed at least two or three dozen with each stride. the monorail track shook ever more violently with each jarring step she took.

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A Summertime Sonata

I bet it's hard enough for reis to manage a pack without the death tolls looming over her head. as i got lost in the usual chit-chat, i catch a young female sniffing at my bag.

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SWAT Kats: Vampire Stalker, Ch 1-4

By morning the death toll was tallied at twenty dead. the bodies were being chained to their shelves and locked into the bank of morgue tubes. it was hoped they didn't get up and leave. it was unfortunate that no one was being funny when that was said.
