The fox only got a peek of that black scaled tail shifting the latch, before a dragon stepped inside, towering over the fennec fox. "well hello there, little snack." the dragon said with a wide toothy grin.
Aria's Tale- Chapter 1 *Sunday Mass*
Aria looked over at her father, who was still praying, and then looked to her left and saw the fennec fox walking straight up the aisle towards the priest. he walked swiftly, and soon reached the eagle.
Don't bully a fox
The target of the bully ronald is an anthro fennec fox named john. he walked passed the trio of humans hearing a snicker from ronald. "ronald, i hope for you're sake you don't bully a gypsy fox or a brown and tan vixen.
Paw Play: Pleasing the Vixen's Paws (erotic eBook teaser)
The fennec fox knows all she has to do is to wriggle her toes in the gila monster anthro's direction and, well...he's putty in her paws!
Huntress of the Forest
"i suppose it could have ran deeper into the forest, or climbed up one of the many trees" the fennec fox boy sighs.
Lost Earth. (Plus bonus short story)
A memory of a young fennec vixen pleading her to speak to her again and her boyfriend repulsing her after she covered the accident.
Alex Vs Trevor
The fennec fox blinked a few times. "who is it?" he asked curiously. "he said his name is alex. he just took off headed for your room sir."
[R] Warped Friendship (vore story)
He was clearly a fennec fox, slim at the waist and about the same height as him.
Foxy Troubles
A dirty little story featuring my fennec fox trevor and my buddy's hound and panda. trevor belongs to me.
Gang revenge.
The fennec fox tried to walk closer while speaking, although there was still a counter between them. "where there's people... there is usually some supplies."
A Perfect Marriage - Prologue
He came right out and said that he was a wealthy, young male fennec fox, light cream-colored fur, who wanted needed a mommy to turn him back into a pup.
Allen and Penny (Episode 5)
While she was waiting, penny's best friend delilah came over to the young fennec vixen with something to ask her.