Sketch 06: Caged [TF / MF / Werewolf]

I am enormously thankful for fetishists. The things I've ordered from various websites are mostly harmless but, all together would paint quite a bad picture of me. Chains. Metal cuffs - not handcuffs, mind you, actual proper thick metal cuffs. A...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 31

### Chapter 31 "Hey, Sophia!" The unexpected greeting was accompanied by the presence of lavender as Sophia hung her coat up in her locker. Turning, Sophia was surprised to see Maggie, still in her coat, standing there. Maggie flashed a friendly...

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The City – Rat Days

The City - Rat Days By Theo Winters Written for Acom003 If there was one single word that described the city, it could only have been 'damp'. The whole place had an oppressive humidity about it, rolling down the sides of the old brick building...

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College Career

If there is one time transformation can occur in one's life, it's school. Now, when it comes to children, I typically leave them alone. I may perform minor shenanigans on them, but never harmful. Professionals have standards. However, college...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 30

### Chapter 30 Gripping the counter, Sophia leaned towards the mirror and stared at her right eye. The normal light brown that ringed her pupil had flecks of yellowish gold within it. They remained even when she blinked and moved her eyes around....

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 21

### Chapter 21 An urgent, but familiar howl pierced the night and Sophia felt her ears reflexively swivel towards it. The howl wasn't speech in the way humans communicated, but it carried meaning all the same: "Where are you?" Shadow was so close,...

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Sketch Ch. 07 - Lust [Story / MF / Werewolves]

A single overhead light flickered and hummed far in the corner of the study area. Justin glanced up at it with an internal sigh before focusing back on his books and notes. He was grateful the small community college had a quiet room for students to...

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The Gaming Skunk

"weight gain, species change, a mental change, severe apathy, that sort of stuff." "wait, what?" cassie froze and let out a deep belch. "ughn." she paused. she tasted orange juice.

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Old Friends

Faz never had to go to Goldenwhale, He was happy living in his suburban tow of Auburns Mill, but an old friend from elementary school lived here. The town was full of huge houses, absolutely massive ones, and all of varying styles....

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New Management

How long had it been since Jun took over as manager of the store? She wasn't even sure at this point. Jun had gone through a life changing experience, going from a man into an anthro skunk girl, but one with eldritch powers. She had a ring with her,...

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Corruption of Conjuring

A well-lit antechamber, a late night in late fall, it's usually the sort of place where a mage student might be studying for the next day's spell exams, but Brendan had anything but studying on his mind. Brendan, along with Vera, Mathias, Eliza, and...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 29

### Chapter 29 Shadow shifted his weight, shaking Wolfgirl from her doze. Her right hand had slipped off of her furry suitor and lay fully exposed to the chilly air. Opening her eyes, she was unsurprised to discover the sheltered space they were...

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