Jeremy 099; Not So Cold Blooded

Almost all of the lizards he'd known in chile were of brown or tan coloration. he wondered where she hailed from in relation to other lizards. the female was slender at first glance but looking closer he realized the deception.

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Timber & Arctic CH2.1

He once told me he dated an exchanged student from chile." he stated. "right, right. so no boyfriend for you last summer?" "not one lasted a week. i think i should lay off dating grownups." "you've been dating daddies?" he laughed.

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A Life in High School, Ch. 8

I had a quick dinner at the chiles' in the c terminal, which occupied about thirty minutes of the time, leaving two hours and forty-five minutes.

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Jeremy 088; Many Miles Away

Perhaps it had been his experiences in chile. perhaps it was the presence of five lemurs and the intellectual reassurance that they had looked calm and even amused prior to entering the mine.


Jeremy 084; The Myth Of Closure

He'd not thought about how to recruit new members since before his trip to chile. now, with so many young faces looking up to him and eager to listen to every word he felt the familiar feel of his mind about to make an epiphany.


Timber & Arctic CH2

He once told me he dated an exchange student from chile." he stated. "right, right. so, no boyfriend for you last summer?" "not one lasted a week. i think i should lay off dating grownups." "you've been dating daddies?" he laughed.

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Alcatraz-Character Bios V2

By the time he was 15 trojan liberated chile and then argentina, under ramses' leadership. he was then assigned to the middle east. after his father was assassinated ramses took trojan at 20.


From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Arc 2, Chapter 7

"man, let's get going already derek; nothing a like double green chile cheeseburger to feel like we're back for a day right?" "alright well see ya guys later on. call me if ya need me for any reason charlie."

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Keepers Of the Fruit Ch.2

Their shopping purchases were bundled in a bag on the front seat along with a half eaten jumbo pretzel and and an empty chile cheese fry carton. he tried to take the long roads so that the two could enjoy each others time.

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But He's Mine And I'm His

So how did you end up here in chile?" i asked putting my trash in the bag. "well that's a long story, but in short i was mad at my folks and i went out for a late night swim in the cove.

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 2, Chapter 7 (2020)

Nothing a like green chile double cheeseburger to feel like we're back for a day, right?!" "ya know it! we'll catch ya guys later on then. call me if ya need me for any reason charlie."

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Naughty Santa Part 3

In truth, they had achieved the speed of light for an instant, enough to shoot them from the north pole all the way to the tip of chile, where they shot down into first town.

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