Code Oblivion Chapter 4
"boilers like this have a specialized shutdown code that it's down until you put in the reverse code! i doubt any of them could figure that out!" and with the rest of the boilers were locked down.
Code Oblivion Interlude 3
#7 of code oblivion: rebellion here we are folks! the 3rd interlude to code oblivion! hope you guys enjoy it! thanks :iconatriusbloom: for editing!
Code Red, Part 3
**code red.** **part 3.** wolfie steel.
Breaking the Da Vinci Code
It wasn't until the next day that everyone was fairly satisfied that they had everything straight. Billy was working to make sense of all he had been told. "So ya'll are saying that this Maggie girl started this whole mess rolling?" She...
Code Drop: Loops & Knots
#21 of code drop tess's golden retriever boyfriend repairs the fridge without trying to improve it, even a little. code drop: loops & knots by tempo * * * tess grumbled into the apartment, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Code Drop: Dare to Dream
#20 of code drop erik attempts to meet one of his stretch goals. code drop: dare to dream by tempo ~ ~ ~ autumn air whispered of the morning's rain. curtains danced on the breeze; their every parting infused the room with traces of light.
Code of Dishonor: Twin Destinies
He stood on the deck of the ship, the leather bound code of dishonor laid out before him.
Code of Dishonor: Seven Seas
#6 of code of dishonor written by commissioned by cidius the beast lord's quest to dominate the kingdom of dunbrune takes a turn outside of the country's borders, looking to the assets a certain pirate lord can offer.
Code of Dishonor: Terror of the Skies
"the code of honor... it is a tool for weak men to obligate others. it is the code of dishonor that you should follow. it is the instinct of humans, of all living beings... and look at what joy it has brought these fine men?"
Code Oblivion Rebellion: Prologue
#1 of code oblivion: rebellion here we are folks! here is the prologue for the collab story i've been talking about for some time now!
Code of Dishonor: Salt of the Earth
#3 of code of dishonor written by commissioned by cidius the mage knights duron and ragnus have fallen to the beast lord, but their mentor terras knows not their fate.
Code of Dishonor: Flames of Temptation
#2 of code of dishonor written by commissioned by cidius following the disappearance of knight duron, ragnus is dispatched to invess to investigate... but even fearing a trap, he is unable to avoid the flames of temptation the beast lord creates.