In the World After: Chapter 7

"well, you're mother and i thought that we'd head to colorado. specifically, colorado springs." my father answered. "i don't know if we ever told you, but we have a rental property there, for some extra cash in our pockets." i blinked, slightly shocked.

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Prompt: SI potential original story

Western colorado was like that. this state had ninety percent of the landmass of the uk, yet possessed maybe one fifth of its population.

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How Legends are Made Part 2 Chapter 9

"then i will see you in a while." \*\* **keslow, colorado** **2336 hours, august 20**** th ****, 2052** marcus collapsed into his bed without so much as a word to any of the others.

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Red Winter: Operation Crimson Twilight

Mst - somewhere over colorado, 20 miles east of grand junction     jack tried to not breath through his nose as he sat in the back of the c-130. 

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weird feeling

Night and the aurora is above my head while my soul drags me to an abandoned shed. im unsure of its meaning but its my soul and guide. its got an meaning and it has to do with the climate but what about it i don't know. uhh my heart keeps pulling me to colorado

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Victernus - Chapter 2

It was going to be a long trip from his lab in connecticut to the sanctuary in colorado, but the trip would be worth it.             when namara reached the road, he sat down and watched it silently.

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Revelations - Chapter 35: Last Straw

"but i seriously doubt it'll take you nine months to land a job out in colorado. you were the one who said that whole area around denver and colorado springs was turning toward high-tech industry." "true. okay then," he said with a quiet sigh of relief.

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Follow the Leader

Soon they all moved to gunnison, colorado, where they moved into a house that was a near a big hill called tomichi dome. and near their house, was a boy scout camp, though it looked more like a ranch than a camp.

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Werewulf part 23

After an extended business trip turned vacation in colorado he was back.

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Silence of Oppression

People were bustling about with multiple tasks in retaking colorado and norad.

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Josefs Tagebuch Teil 6

4.10.13 wir sind heute nach colorado geflogen. unterwegs haben wir einige freunde von nick getroffen, und ich sie kennengelernt. sie sind vogel. sie sind krähen, um genau zu sein. sie waren sehr nett, aber sie sind mit uns den ganzen weg geblieben.

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Lykos - 13 - The Gathering

After winter break in new york, he was freshly reminded just how still colorado could be. once more fletcher brought his eyes forward and began walking up the long road, the gravel shifting around his brand new sneakers.

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