Small Town Sheriff, Big Problems: Chapter 3: "Now It's War."

._ _the convoy continued to move back toward their base when the radio spoke up.

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Storm Chasers

The moment he had appeared everyone in the convoy was piling out of their vehicles.

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The Path - Chapter 000 - The successful Hunt

.** **the convoy keeps up its path, stopping several more times, and capturing a wild lioness as well, they placed the two cages on top of the same truck she's in, and by nightfall was out on the highways of kenya, traveling smooth into port.** **the hyena

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A Desperate Dalliance (Otherwise Untitled)

#67 of short stories captain decaro tries to pull rank to rescue a civilian convoy under fire.

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Missing In Action - Chapter 4 - Marathon

Entering sadr city baghdad, iraq 0835 hours (local time) lieutenant frank farrel's convoy cruised down the main highway into the sadr city area of baghdad, the m1a1 abrams tank at the head of the convoy knocking debris and ruins out of their path

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Halo: FUBAR Chapter 07 - Objects in mirror

_ we just looped our modified chorus over and over again, each progressive loop a little louder to see if we could drown out more of the convoy with our song.

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Revenge(chapter 1)

A convoy of furs were approaching the house, their weapons glinting in the sunlight. i counted 5 heavily armed wolves and a plethora of tired dreary furs. slavers and their slaves.

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 1

Our convoy stopped, and pulled to the side of the road, allowing the command tank to pull up from the rear.

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Iron Sights

Luckily there was a supply convoy and soldiers going to the base later this afternoon. he arranged with her, that i go with them as a part of the list of transferring soldiers. from there he escorted me where the convoy would be assembling.

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Taste of Fire: No Hope for Dead Men

I want you leading up front, make sure we get to the convoy. if the convoy is incapacitated for any reason it'll be a long walk back..." moss shuddered to think it. "what about you?" shokan wondered. "i'll be covering the back with two others.

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3. My New Life-2

I assume my xo kirha has briefed you all regarding the recent convoy attack?" "yes, he did, general and frankly i would like to know how you and your people got to the convoy so fast and responded in such short notice."

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Preperation for tommorow

Soon else they'll starve, and lucky for them there's a big fat convoy following us" "so there camping up ahead planning to attack it, i know, you described your flawless calculations and perfect logic in the meeting and i backed it up with what the earth

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