La Farfalla

There he was, standing at the other end of the room. And here I was, looking after him. Matthew, I breathed his name and bat my lashes. Maybe today, I wondered. But what would make today any different than yesterday, or the previous? I dream, hope,...

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The Buck Next Door: Chapeter 1: The New Neighbor

Steve walked down the sidewalk, the dead leaves churching under his hoofs. As he walked, the autumn wind gently whipped his loose-fitting plaid shirt , causing his tan chest fur to dance lightly in the wind .He was almost to his mailbox when he saw the...

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Too perfect

Too perfect Too good to be true Prove to me that you are different BUt you are different Why me? Is it me? Do you crave for me as I crave for you? Longing for your touch, that sense of belonging, that electric feel, could you really be mine?...

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Lysithea's Diary Entry #1

At the time, i was afraid i was over doing it, it was so easy to crush him like a lil buggy, but i don't like to end my fun that fast. i do like to enjoy myself before i have to start another mission.

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No Accident

Azure heard the motorcycle zooming around the street. Again. That damn chav had been racing up and down the same country road near his friend's house for too long. This wasn't even the first otherwise peaceful afternoon the biker had ruined for him and...

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Darkness Fell

That cockhead mashed down further and further, crushing all underneath its overwhelming and unforgiving force.

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Cytus: Disaster

Things start to go dark as the blood loss takes its toll, but you still feel your sternum cave in before your skull is compressed and crushed beyond any hope of recognition.

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Macro Tyler March #11 - Rampage

Or he would do much the same but instead of crush them he would crouch down and scoop them up in one of his massive hands to dump unceremoniously into his open mouth.

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Pest control

Lewis managed to rally some of his better fighters into a defensive position and push back, but they barely cut down a single horse before their cluster was sundered by the long swords and crushing maces of the knights.

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Meeting the Giants

I crushed the others that attacked me as well, and by the time i was done my foot was completely covered in gore.

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Chapter 17: I Like the Way You Taste

"i know that kinda made mindy distant with you, but i just wanted to see mindy finally happy, and she's crushed on brian forever." rebecca glanced miserably at tammy as she muttered under her breath, "i know the feeling."

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With Arms Wide Open. Ch,1

I just have never really had a legitimate crush on anyone. i am not conceded or anything, but i get told a lot that i am hot. i'm 5 ft 8; i am pretty short compared to most of the kids in this school.

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