Here's my story: feelings^^ hey^^ here's my story: "feelings" i hope you'll enjoy it^^ "warning" sex between two males :p \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ nick "a human
The Feeling
We make the financial exchange, and i walk out with my next good feeling.
Then you have someone who you already have a relationship with that you suddenly start to feel in love with them and you want to make your relationship more intermit.
Void, of emotions, of feelings, of compassion, of guild. void, of a soul. for as long as i know, i've needed to fill, the part that is gone, that left me incomplete, and created this void.
Is there calling to us tempting us to see what can become can this seed bloom into something more can these feelings push us together to explore what is between us to find love once more.
It feels like my scales are on fire. the pain, the pain is everywhere. i can't make it go away no matter how hard i try. everyday its the same. hour after hour. i sit in this cold, dank cell; trapped and without a way out.
Texas blues, "The wanderer"
Saw an old man down by the riverside, lookin' 'bout half past dead/ Gave him two dollars and a penny, for to get a bottle just to cool his head/ Turned around to hand it back to me, and I looked at him like he was mad/ Swept his gaze up to my...
Matteus Chapter 4 "1/1313"
I'm not saying that i don't have feeling for him though, because i kind of do have feelings for him. i don't know whether these feelings are just friendly or if they are romantic. i'm just glad that i get to spend time with him.
Feeling Feral, Feeling Good
I didn't like hurting people, and in the end, i had a feeling that was what this was going to come down to. i only hoped it wasn't people i cared about.
The Good That Won't Come Out (Pundamentals #2)
Rather, the you i'm talking of is the you who can evaluate what your feeling and feel what you want to feel. it's like you can select what your feeling, only, it's easier said than done. you are special.
New Feelings: Chapter 7: Are you in, or are you OUT?
I feel much better just knowing that i'm here with you and that you'll protect me. i love you." he scoots over in the bed, repositioning himself on top of me. i can feel his heartbeat; smooth, caring, loving.
Across the Deep Blue, My Love Waits for You (Poem)
A million miles away, I wait for you Staring out across the deep blue... Looking across the sea, Looking up the stars I see Someone special looking back down at me... A being so bright, in the night sky, Back across the waters goes my eye, Some...