The Story of Neeki
If you do not like spoogey goodness and meaningless sex then i suggest you find another story. however if this tickles your fancy your not alone.
A Solid Hunt
Whitestripe's eyes would be fully glazed over by the time the creature finally finished its display, time meaningless as it moved to adjust itself yet again.
Grim Outcomes
Every day i am reminded why my life is meaningless. every day i am reminded our time as a dominant species is coming to an end. every day i want it all to simply end. an ending with peace, silence and eternal rest.**
In the meadow
The world around them was meaningless, all there was and all they care was the close warm embrace they both shared. soon seconds became minutes, times was timeless, it was only them and each other.
Curly's Backstory, v.1
His work was meaningless if the people would not believe in him. he needed something, or someone, to take his place, both in blame and in responsibility. so he found a wife, and they had a child. they called him aidan.
Too late 2
Such a meaningless death. so stupid. so unnatural. unfair. her emotions almost tore her apart. she was shaking, sobbing and whimpering. she put her head down to the ground. she almost started to scream in pain.
The Ride to the Function
"i never said anything about sandwiches," i replied, trying to kill this meaningless conversation. "yes you did, a moment ago. something about sandwiches at the function, i shouldn't wonder. but you definitely mentioned them."
Return to Equusscence
A meaningless curiosity, to be human.
Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter one: Why me?
meaningless platitudes. they had no idea of what had just happened. koji stood over shiro waiting until they were alone. his fist was trembling. _"why didn't you dodge?"
Thyme and Merlayne
If you don't mind your first time being just meaningless sex. some folks like it to be special." "when i find my one true mate, my first time with them_will_be special," mer said wistfully. "that's how it was for my parents.
Foreign stuff.. meaningless. the words on the page jumped. the words were suddenly his to read. he felt his hands shake as he skimmed over the essay. it wasn't done too badly.
Chapter 1
Only, it wasn't for a game or some meaningless piece of software. it was a manual for magic. chapter 1 it was a cold november day, and i was wearing a striped sweater.