Prologe of the Fox

I would've died if it wasn't for the forest and it's inhabinints, who nurtured me back and taught me to live as a protector to nature. it's been three years since then, and i've changed immensely from the broken, tortured person i was; i evolved.

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the foxes tale

One day, i had a dream that told a story about a demon fox, who was dying who needed a host for her soul. on a faithful day this farmer comes along begging for rain to help his lands and fox demon granted him this plea as long as he can take care of...

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Witch [Poem]

nature calls to me and i answer her. i believe in god because he believes in me. candles, potions, hexes, spells, seven heavens, seven hells. black cats and gemstones, plants and spices, knowlege and power.

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The Cat

The wind was whispering softly against the rugged surface of a cliff, the turbulent air making its way in to a small opening. A leaf from a tree near by releases its grip and falls down, as it falls the wind plays with it, softly carrying it up and...

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War of Extremes

In antarctica, two armies of penguins get into a territorial battle. There are the penguins of the sky (The penguins who shaved off all their white feathers, also, its always night in this antarctica), and the penguins of the land (ones who shaved off...

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Forest Friend 2 -- chapter 1

He leaned forward on the table, hunching over decades' worth of initials crudely etched into the worn maple, but the border collie could barely keep his attention on the book spread between his paws. He found himself reading the same paragraph over and...

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The Young Wild -- chapter 2

Yes, clover had grown into her figure in quite a lovely way, and she carried herself with natural poise. his eyes returned to that woolen scarf, bouncing with each leisurely step, and the white fur beneath . . .

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The Young Wild -- chapter 6

# Chapter 6 K.C. sank her teeth into the fat slice of mushroom. She shut her eyes to fully savor it, a smoky char playing on her tongue. "It's been literally forever since I had some _good_ grilled shrooms!" she moaned to Hazel, still chewing....

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Golden rays give life to all, Spread by Helios, a bright star, That watches us and stands tall, On a blue arch that seems so far. So low he has traveled already, To cover himself with a cloak so heavy, A titan that sleeps on a bed...

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End of an Era

I wondered at the folly of them, as nature rose to claim me. and i slept. as the giant slept, nature gradually took its toll, winnowing away at the elements that comprised its very being.

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"God" is a Child

We felt, like you humans presently do, that being civilized meant denying our animal nature. we eventually learned that the only way for us to truly become what we have the potential to be was to fully embrace our nature.

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The Far Side of Immortal

Nick Dietrich kicked restlessly at the exoskeletons that littered the floor of his cave. The wolf's fur had gone ragged, and his skin clung to his body like a taut canvas over his aching bones. Food was scarce in these times, after all. How...

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