Chapter 11: How to Fly Like a Fox
While the depth of her telepathic bond with fox was a secret known to only to himself and the close friends who were there the night before their wedding, he knew the fact that the vixen was a telepath was generally known.
1st Contact
As he sat down under a tree, he was still able to feel the lust emitted by the telepathic field.
The Augments
"i'm afraid we can't allow that to happen," replied the fox telepathically.
Surviving Insanity
\> takara asks kodyax telepathically. \
Manufacturing Maness
The Good Days
I mental facepalmed myself as i said that to quickly.cosmi telepathicly laughed at me.i said nothing as i knew she was reading my mind.
Chapter 7: Soulmates
Krystal intensified her focus and concentrated on completing their telepathic link.
Chekol, the 33rd Shaman Squirrel
_'no need to apologize,'_ varada was moaning while telepathizing.
lady and the dragons part 4
She telepathically communicated her desire to be eaten. dick was caught by surprise, as he did not know that she had mastered telepathy in his absence. "you can communicate telepathically now," he said. "diana taught me how.
1st Contact part III
Aural wondered, if jnaha had always spoken like this or if the telepathic field made her words more vulgar. but after all, she was far more than twenty years younger than him. maybe he was just getting old.
1st Contact part II
Joining an orgy was not really what she had planned, although it was appealing somehow, and the telepathic field had made her craving for sexual relief.
Farmoon Windpride - Intro
These two were quite the good telepaths, as was i. in-fact, all si-yiw-ta were telepathic to some degree, even if they couldn't send telepathically.