A New Town, A New Life (2)

"ya know boss we been talking about draggin' the gazette into the 21st century kicking and schreaming well the guy at my side might just be able to help us do it, mr chase grainger i would like you to meet mr jason hawk."

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Biography of a fox #1

Smiling down on hyosube the kitten is glad about her success in waking hir up and welcomes hir with a simple "hi there~" to the 21st century. **~end part 1~**

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The Colonial Alliance

Tau ceti: the second colonized system, also done so through sleeper ships sent out in the late 21st century, tau ceti has a relatively small population due in part to the system's devotion to research.

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Story Guide: BOVERSE

The earliest any chapters go is the late 21st century, 2089 to be exact. but the majority of future stories i have in mind for this setting all take place solidly in the 22nd centry (2100 and onwards).

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A Tale Of Two Horses, Act 3.

I have lived in this village all of my life, i used to be a local delivery driver, but then six years ago we got brought into the 21st century when an internet provider connected us to its huge system, so now any deliveries that are made come from further

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An Introduction to Busou Shinki

Busou shinki, more commonly referred to as "shinki", are highly advanced robotic gynoid "partners" that are commonly utilized throughout the world of the 21st century to serve human "masters".


Keshet's Adventure: The Letter

Well it was about the 21st century when a fur by the name of cody lead the rebelion to free the furs and give them equal rights. well that lasted for a while but another war broke out that divided the earth down the middle.

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Para-Imperium Core Worlds

You see, the spps had underestimated new pallas's skill with biotechnology, crafting a virus that could be deadly to all the diverse inhabitants of the republic had been difficult, but a dirty little secret of many 21st century regimes were the techniques


For the Love of a Pit - Chapter 1

Warrengetti, i think--and his small team discovering how to fuse animal dna with human dna sometime in the early 21st century.

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Only Human (Chapter 6)

From the 21st century no less, and i can't even take action. he is rather fragile right now though. trying to take in too many changes at once. the last thing he needs is me throwing myself at him like a cheap whore.

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The Daisy Chronicles 3: Dreams

It was something humanity had been doing for centuries, since the early 21st century, but creating a mental duplicate? that was new. i mated my hoverchair with the cart, and saying goodbye to rose and tele-rose we were off.

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