Enemy, Chapter 8

I couldn't say what time of day it was except to say that the sun couldn't have been much higher in the sky than it appeared to be. my throat was dry; my tongue was swollen. i didn't dare move a paw.

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Impending disaster (commission for Pandosham)

This went for a while, but izvy couldn't have said for how long.

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War Trophy

The machine kept thrusting, steady and firm, and he couldn't pull away, he couldn't make it stop; he couldn't stop humping right back against it.

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The Swamp

He couldn't hold himself back. even with the tentacle in his mouth, he couldn't help but gasp and whine, and each time he was forced to swallow or choke in the slime. he swallowed, of course.

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The Basement

But she couldn't pull a hand free, couldn't straighten her bound-together legs, couldn't reach her gag to get her speech back, couldn't even get her tail to the blindfold this time to be able to see again!

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Entertainment of the Gods: Chapter 2 Uncontrollable Hunger

He frantically searched for any meat that he could pull off, but couldn't find any. he finally found a piece he could get his hand around, and started pulling, but he couldn't ripe it off.

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[Commission] Over Her Head

All they knew was that they couldn't escape and they couldn't orgasm, and there was nothing they could do about it.

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He couldn't even hope to get an erection down here, he couldn't escape... he couldn't do anything!

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Ribbon - Chapter 7

I couldn't admit to him why things hadn't gone as planned. i couldn't tell him what was on my mind. of course i couldn't. it would be the same as admitting that, even after everything he had done for me, i was still all kinds of fucked up.

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Dear Diary...

As the day went on i couldn't shake this strange feeling that had settled on me. i suddenly had the urge to go back to the sauna. the urge grew and grew until i couldn't stand it anymore. it was so intense i had to go.

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