Second Chances : Chapter 8
Author's Note - Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up, I'm really worried that the way I incorperated the song into the story is annoying. So please comment, I really didn't want to leave it as a block of lyrics so please let me...
Second Chances : Chapter 7
Author's Note - I just wanted to thank Sam softpaw for editing this chapter too :). Also, I am worried about the endings to my chapters being too repetitive so I'm asking you guys to comment on how you think my endings are and if your getting...
Second Chances : Chapter 4
Author's note - I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and comments. I tried to go slower writing this one and forced myself to slow down my proof-reading, let me know if it helped. Also I was kind of curious about what you guys...
Second Chances : Chapter 5
Authors note - So I had originally planned this to be my happy chapter but, I felt this was necissary before I moved onto the more lighthearted stuff. As always I wanna say thanks to all of those who fav/rate/watch and a special thanks to all...
Second Chances : Chapter 3
Author's note - So here's chapter 3. I want to thank everyone for their favorites/watches/votes and especially for the comments :). I feel this one is a little slow but don't worry as the next one should pick up quite a bit. As always...
Second Chances: Chapter 2
Author's note - I figured while I'm awake I migt as well post chapter 2 since I may not get the chance for a while. I hope you enjoy and as always please comment and vote, it means alot to me and it helps me improve my writing for all's...
A Second Chance Chapter 1
#2 of a second chance **chapter 1: second chance** "where am i?" i asked into the dark void i found myself in. i walked for what seemed like hours until suddenly i saw a light on the horizon.
A Second Chance Chapter 3
#4 of a second chance if you were given a second chance at life what would you do? this is the story of a knight who died but was given a second chance. (i'm still alive.
A Second Chance Chapter 2
#3 of a second chance chapter 2: new life 'where am i? who am i? what am i?' were the only thoughts going through my mind, as i pushed against the warm walls of my prison only for the walls to expand and then contract around me.
Getting Your Second Chance
"Prisoner #17557, Noise..." the guard's voice got him to look up through the window, and he met face to face with a tall dog who looked back at him, not like he was trash, like so many other guards had been doing over the past few years, but like he...
A Second Chance in Life - 5
#5 of a slave's second chance (bdsm themes) a second chance in life - 5 hello, and welcome to the fifth chapter of this curious tale, as sponsored by the patron of arts, [![avatar?
A Second Chance in Life - 4
#4 of a slave's second chance (bdsm themes) a second chance in life - 4 \* hello, and welcome to the fourth chapter of this curious tale, as sponsored by the patron of arts, [![avatar?