Pleasure and Connections

He slowly laid down and curled up protecting his baby makers from any other surprise attacks that could possibly be lurking around the corner while he waited her to return.

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A Hunters Snare

Bringing the weapon back, i was ready to cut down the tree that had caused the surprise attack when a pair of strong, slender hands grabbed onto my own. turning sharply, i looked deep into the vibrant red eyes of arc, and my anger melted away.

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Legend of Spyro: A Retelling Book 1: Two Purple Dragons? Chapter 4

He stands up and joins ignitus in repelling the surprise attack. gwyn was running as fast as he could... if you could call what he was doing running.

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Lucario's beatdown

attack, the geodude became hostile and gave a hard punch right into lucario's back, lucario fall in the ground thanks to that punch, lucario was in total pain even so that geodude graved him from the shoulders and made him get up, still graving him

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Tainted Glory (Chapter 4)

Upon charging it up to a big enough size, she thrust the leaf tornado out into the area ahead as both a surprise attack and a distraction. "what the hell is that?!"

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 14 -- The Foretold Light?

They knew that out here they couldn't afford to get caught like that by a potential surprise attack. solar landed nearby, a cautious gleam in his eye.

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A simple weekend

He felt himself being covered with something realizing that his pups had done a surprise attack. going with the fun he pretended to be the giant and fall as the pups just crawled over him trying to tickle him.

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Sister Struggle Part Two

Which would be good for a surprise attack. scylla pointed over to the road while monica nodded and then stepped back. scylla then calmly got in the middle of the street while a car was turning and coming towards her.

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8- Clash of the Dragons

"surprise attack. everybody gets one. ended up having to choke you out." sithris rubbed his neck, the bruising making it tender. "you're the first to ever survive his attack." rift nodded.

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Price of a Hero

Andraw was knocked out immediately from the surprise attack; his body slowly finished shifting as he lay on the ground. "alright, release my wife!" one of the friends yelled. the villains let three girls free.

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One hundred years ago the race known as the t'rell had opened hostilities with the equines by preforming a surprise attack on the equines battleship talawees.

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The luckiest teenager in the world part 8

In a matter of three minutes, the surprise attack had removed every threat in the camp. there was, however, a stunning number of the dragoness sex slaves left unattended to. "don't stop! load the women up on the boats and we're out of here.

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