Ghostbusters: Regenesis 18 - Afterlife of the Party
**ghostbusters: regenesis** chapter 18 (afterlife of the party) written by leo\_todrius sponsored and edited by boredom dark december clouds hung ominously in the heavens, blanketing the willamette valley with an unusually early and plentiful snowfall
Part VII - Conceiving in a Glowing Afterlife
**moral obsolescence and motor oil** **part vii - conceiving in a glowing afterlife** **2007 by eldyran** as private first class gibson stared out into the wall of darkness just beyond the reassuring blanket of florescent lighting at fort rekall's
The Afterlife of Wolves and Lions pt.2
Before the couple had wed, he knew of the beliefs of her people with regard to the afterlife. it was remarkable how similar their spiritual lore was to the one another.
The Afterlife of Wolves and Lions pt.1
**the afterlife of wolves and lions** \*\*\* "i don't get how anyone can enjoy this." tod said, irritably, as he looked out a window to see curtain of heavily falling snow.
RH's Hircine
The feyspawn offered to guide the lost boys and girls into everland, playing songs for all of them to hear and drawing them to their temporary afterlife.
afterlife is in full swing and getting along nicely. i'll be letting all my pals know exactly when it _does_ see legitimate completion, and then we'll have to see what happens.
Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 12
I've died, yes, but there's a very long queue for me to cross to the afterlife. i'm not saying if there's a heaven or hell for me. if it's heaven, i'll be burned to crisp, but if it's hell, i don't know where i'll end up.
Chapter Three - One Step Toward Death, Two Step Toward New Life
My father lowered his head for a moment and began to replied, "well, you might say that i've been through a lot and here i am enjoying my afterlife with my late families."
Chapter 4: Where no Mortal Has Gone
**Where no Mortal has Gone** Copyright (c) FarmWolf's player _I never thought I would ever be furclad in space_, Felix said to himself, then amended, _I never thought I'd be furclad while actually floating in the void_. As he floated, he recalled...
Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 26 - The Silver Lake
Part 26 A drop of sweat ran down Youlan's forehead as she concentrated on the half a dozen rings of glowing symbols that surrounded the weapon. Never before had mana felt so slippery, so hard to control, like trying to push a heavy load across a...
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 5
Chapter 5: In the Lair of Slumbering Shadow Vacka, the Hand of the Dark, waited in a small stone hut. It was built into the side of a cliff and had only a narrow path running up to it. The climb was strenuous, and any beast who approached would have...
The Welsh Files, Day 1
"i'm sorry my beautiful mary, i may not even join you in the afterlife, for i have sinned, i became an unholy montrosity, a vampire, and then i killed myself, all i can ask is that balckleck and tormund get our message, please tell them i said to take care