Dragons & Lions

He laughed loudly as if this was funny, obviously he wasn't enjoying that fact as he usually didn't get drunk to the point of instability.

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Task Force - Divide and Conquer

Our government is extremely worried about instability in that region. with several countries seeking atomic power, the extremists have made it a very volatile situation.

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Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Main Ending

The readouts showed great instabilities throughout carolyn's entire bio-enhancing matrix, which was now in greater flux than she had ever seen. the real problem came as she neared carolyn's puffy, over-excited womanhood.

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Pride Rock

The golem hoped to take advantage of the instability that he'd created to finish the job and used his tail to propel himself toward his opponent in a shoulder slam.

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Baltimore Blues - The Calm After the Storm (unfinished)

Nem watches the event before him and starts laughing a bit himself, but a sick desperation, almost mental instability was the undertone in his laughter at the hallucination.

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OR: Tyrannians

Their dna became fraught with instability to the point where their offspring didn't make it past the first few days of life due to a combination of defects and poor nutrition.

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Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 06

The global attacks by the gray church had created instability everywhere, and that had created a need for mercenaries.

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Bug Report

There was, according to all studies conducted, little to no actual danger when it comes to blueprint instability. micros themselves yielded no threat to a synth's nanite health either.

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15- Warp

He kept his eyes glued to the matrix, watching it closely for any signs of instability. thankfully, the essentia was collected without a hitch, and the gold and void metal began to disintegrate.

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World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas - pt5

She had tried to reclaim her father's throne at one point causing political instability which nearly resulted in a civil war. she had been approached by the other two in hopes of uniting everyone and so the council was born.

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An introduction to Blood Sports prt 1

Although only condemned criminals were forced to compete in the original broadcasts, more and more people who were low on money, bored with life, or wanted an outlet for their mental instability began expressing an interest to compete, and so the shows began
