Lady Be Good
._ --- "lady be good," by **rob baird** "you know..." ray suggested to the badger woman, although he suspected the friendly gesture would be futile. "the sooner you tell us something, the sooner you can be on your way."
Ladies Night
. :3 **ladies night** eliza danced.
A Lucky Lady
Kezhon looked up from the stove where he hunched over top of a pan where vegetables were slowly softening alongside Asian noodles, all within simmering soy sauce. His nose twitched, breathing in the scent of his soap clinging to her. She sidled...
Luck Be a Lady
**luck be a lady** - chapter 20 of the legends of the dragonrider it was with a deep breath that anitra once again stepped into the altar-room which had, literally overnight, become one of the most tightly-secured areas in the entire citadel - which was
Tramps and Ladys Relationship
"i've lost interested in your pleasure lady." he said in a calmer voice then before, but in a tone that showed no sympathy for her. lady's eyes went wide open, not from the tone of his voice, but from the words he spoke.
Episode 00 - The Planning Stages
"oh jeez, you really don't know the sheer amount of wildly excitable furry ladies out there, do you?
He just tried to kill lady iris. the daughter of the highest military family in the alliance, as well as being rumored to be the successor to the grandmaster." rubicant turned to look at her again in surprise.
A First Tint of Mauve
The lady wore a golden gown that likely cost more than winter's childhood home and a smirk that somehow both comforted and terrified, "take the next left, dear." chaly instructed.
Heat Dream - Bonus chapter 1 (Milo x Peggy)
"ok ladies and gentlemen i'll be closing up for the night in about 30 minutes so this is going to be last..."
Chapter 2
The prisoners went eerily quiet while she giggled to herself in the dark. The dismal chamber which held her seemed to light itself with her cheerful manner. The others knew better though, the giggles were of one that had lost her sanity. She had...
Chapter 1
The room was cold even though her body felt like it was burning up. Chains rattled above her were her hands hung by the wrists. Her ex-girlfriend stood before her in nothing but a lab coat, her olive tan skin shinny with the sweat of her ecstasy. "Your...
The First To Go
It was dark as I was taken from my prison cell. The swaying lights showed the metal bars of other cells, as the thunder roared outside. There were animals in those cells, but then again, we all were animals now. The thunderous roar outside made me...