Latest in Latex
Today was a fragile package of motorbike apparel. and his co-workers, prior to leaving the post office, brought up his old yet pristine motorcycle. even heard it purr around the major roads during their drives.
A Soldier's Duty
Then gazelle's convoy moved out, chris was on a black and green kawaski ninja, one of the fastest motorcycles in the world.
Tales from Anthracite City 11: Swords to the Wind
The motorcycle gang members looked at each other.
Tina II Chapter eight- Somwhere- A Gray Muzzle story
Koji and violet had always ridden motorcycles. he took her out on his bike on their first date. not long after, koji had taught violet to ride, and helped her get her motorcycle license.
Origin of the FinalGamer 4 - The Net Tightens
Sarah's sarcastic tone came from behind the raptor who was caught in a rather embarrassing position of caressing his motorcycle, lips against the lower chassis.
The Black Wolf (M/M) (BDSM) (Furry Fans?!)
A vigilante hero on a motorcycle, unarmed, with a ferocious motorcycle helmet shaped roughly like an angry wolf's head and a full leather riding suit. a certified bad-ass who seemed to be in the right place at the right time. a publicity stunt?
Bunny's Secret
Out of a dark home and into an unlit garage, she uncovers an old tarp hiding her shiny huge motorcycle. when she bought it she didn't expect to be hauling it several blocks away from the quiet neighborhood, away from nosy neighbors.
The Great Escape
She looked around for a moment, knowing that it must have been the person on the motorcycle. when she found the rider no where in sight she glanced over at lilly to see the grin on the liger's face.
**\*\*\*\*** the growl of the motorcycle sounded over the plains, accompanied by the rising plume of dust.
A New Enemy, a New Twist
"hunter, take the motorcycles! blitz fire on that truck with me!" keith ordered. keith swung his turret and aimed for the tires.
What A Cop Wants
Tempted to ignore the speeding car, john jogged over to his motorcycle, which was parked about twenty yards off the freeway, but when he saw a red convertible zoom past him, the jog turned into a run. he started his motorcycle and pursued the car.
They raised their lances, and accompanied by the charging of the motorcycles, they stabbed the lances into the bodies of the dark tide soldiers.