Change of Perspective Page 24
Another organic concept of doing something they find enjoyable. fun is very variable amongst organics. what is fun for one can often be classified as 'not fun' to another." "true, but fun is needed amongst organics.
He thought that it'd be useful for students of medicine to be able to study organs independently from organisms containing them so that organisms wouldn't have to be damaged by their study.
"i'll be using my semi-organic body for this mission," ami said. "that way, they'll just think i'm a heavily augmented organic lup?n."
Axel Geth Conversion
Current organic advanced organic life is too disjointed to provide a strong defense against the old machines. we intend to uplift organics so they may understand the imperative of the current situation. we desire your cooperation in becoming geth."
Change of Perspective Page 38
Their organic was named lorkos, the platform is 211420151691 organic designation untopia. they also have 89 programs from platform 20112114. they were were from the organic known as allea. we know you know both of these turians."
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We wish to see how 'organic' we have become as with interact closer to an organic standard. we are testing several factors efficiently. without this, your logic would be correct. but there is much at stake here.
Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 2
What is important is we are offering to save the life of an organic." "giving choice is good. saving organic life will result in a positive impact on future organic relations. but the number of programs able to join a new platform is limited.
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**geth** the ship reports, "two organic life signatures extinguished. one left. unable to gain a visual on the remaining organic.
Change of Perspective Page 32
Perhaps learning from our organic experiences, and further study of organics has given us more logical responses to be more sociable to organics." ja142119's tail flicks, "we find this a logical reasoning to the use.
They are also capable of giving birth to bio-organic children using a genetic template that is often encoded into a noah's memory as a means of identification but is used to develop bio-organic gametes through a special nano-organ.
Accidents Happen
Clark pondered to himself what could happen seeing as how plants reproduced by pollen and that they had already contained both sex cells, how could the organism react to it. or would the organism react at all?
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"organic combat mechs detected.